Branson and Macy’s trip deposits & payment schedules

If you are in Winds and planning to go on the 2013 spring break trip to Branson (itinerary coming shortly), a $150 deposit is due by 12/31/12.  CLICK HERE to go to the website to access the Branson payment schedule to pay the deposit.  The last payment is subject to change pending the official itinerary AND any credits from the general trip fund that are applied.  If you are a senior and still have a student account balance, please apply it to this deposit.

If you are registering for the 2013 marching season and are planning to go on the 2013 Macy’s trip, a $50 deposit is due by 1/31/13 (change from previously published materials).  CLICK HERE to go to the website to access the Macy’s payment schedule to pay the deposit.  The last payment is subject to change pending the official itinerary AND any credits from the general trip fund that are applied.  If you have already been making payments to your trip account, those payments will be applied to your trip deposit.

Payment schedules for Branson, Marching Band, and Macy’s are below:

due date Branson Marching Band Macy’s
12/31/12 $150
1/15/13 $150
1/31/13 $150 $50
2/28/13 $250 $100
3/31/13 $250 $100
4/30/13 $100 $100
5/31/13 $100 $100
6/30/13 $100 $100
7/31/13 $100 $100
8/31/13 $100
9/30/13 $100
10/31/13 $100
 Total $800 $550 $950


We realize this is a challenging schedule for some families.  Branson families making all 3 payments can move their February and March Macy’s payments to the August -October time frame.  The guiding principle is to have payments completed BEFORE the trip or band camp begins.