Upbeat Updates 6/19 (awards DVD, payments, MB news, Reds, bus chaperones)

AWARDS SLIDESHOW – The slideshow that was shown at the band awards on May 23 is now available for purchase!  Each copy will cost $7 and will ship to your home (or shipping address) directly from Tri State Productions.  If you want your DVDs shipped to different addresses place separate orders, otherwise all DVDs will ship to the same address.  Orders will be taken through Monday, July 1.  Thanks to Ed Soldo and Tri State for making this possible!  Please CLICK HERE to place your order.

PAYMENTS & TRIPS — The following payments are due 6/30:  MB fees #FINAL ($100), Macy’s student/chaperone trip #6 ($100), Macy’s followers payment #3 ($variable).  Please check all of your account balances in Charms and make payments promptly so that we can meet our payment schedule with Gateway.  You should be completely paid on MB/band camp by the end of June.  CLICK HERE for a guide on how to make payments directly in Charms so they will post faster and without requiring human intervention, the treasurer thanks you!  There are still seats available on the followers bus.  CLICK HERE to sign up.

Marching Band News — The district has approved MB to be extracurricular for 2013.  On June 10th the board approved the “new district participation fee” for MB to be $365.  This fee does not cover band camp.  The Upbeat club will be charging a separate MB fee of $185 to cover band camp and a few other ancillary items the district did not include in their budget.  The total between the 2 fees remains at $550 as anticipated.  This will be a year of transition as Upbeat started collecting the “entire” sum of $550 back in January.  The first $185 in your band camp account will be applied to the Upbeat/band camp fee.  Any amount in your student’s account over $185 will be credited towards your district fee.  We will be changing the Upbeat club payment links to reflect the new $185 fee sometime in early July.  When that happens the payment links and Charms finances will be shut down for a few days while we update, separate into 2 accounts, and take a “final accounting” of payments to date so that records can be sent to the district.  After that time the Upbeat club will only accept payments up to $185 and any further balance toward the $365 will be due to the district when student fees are applied.  Please watch your email for this July final payment deadline if you are trying to pay your balance in full.

We expect district fees to be applied to your “student school fees” some time in August/September.  Student fees are expected to be paid in full when they are posted to your account.  If you are unable to pay your student fees in full when posted, you will need to contact Mr. Snyder and Mr. Elgin Card (principal) to make arrangements for a payment plan.

Red Games Volunteers — There is still time to get in on Reds concession volunteering if you have not already signed up.  Our first scheduled game (of 12) is July 4th and the second game is 8/20.  The last required training classes are being held 6/26, 7/24, and 8/14 (all Wednesdays) from 6-11 pm.  Plenty of time to fully participate.  Please contact Dave Bubash at parade@lakotawestbands.org if you are interested.

MB Bus Chaperones — The new season schedule is upon us and we have just a few spots still available for some fun loving, ready for anything parents to be bus chaperones for competitions in the fall.  Sign up for one or go “all in” for a full season of 6 events.  If you have not volunteered before consider this as a fun way to meet new friends in your fellow band parents and hang out with ~300 of your favorite teenagers!  CLICK HERE to sign up.

Band Camp 2013 — 40 days and counting!  Are you ready?  Have you had your first summer sectional?  Get out and get acclimated to the heat, practice those roll steps, start memorizing your music, play some scales, stock up on suncreen, get a hat, break in any new shoes NOW,  and find or buy a very large water bottle (Walmart and Menards have 1/2 gal for $5-6).  Stay tuned to your email for everything you ever wanted to know about marching band 2013.