Upbeat Updates 7/11 – (Band camp/MB forms, uniform fitting help needed, MB fees)

Marching Band News —”Something’s Coming,” that’s right, band camp 2013!  Less than 20 days until the West Side Story marching season begins!  CLICK HERE to get all the documents you need to complete and bring to pre camp.  Learn how to stay “Cool” in the handbook.  Make sure you have that “I Feel Pretty” thing going on by checking out the dress code.  Read the schedule(s) so that you won’t be “Somewhere” else when you aren’t supposed to be.  There won’t be a “Dance at the Gym,” but there will be one at the pool!  Start practicing your music because the field commanders are ready to conduct with “One Hand, One Heart.”  You want to make your best first impressions because you never know when you might meet your “Maria” or “A Boy Like That” as many have proclaimed “I Have A Love” during marching season.  See you July 29th with your forms!  Send your band camp questions to Harold Mylius at bandcamp@lakotawestbands.org

Uniform Fitting Week help needed —  The highlight of pre camp is uniform fitting and we still need MANY volunteers!  Cindy Schubart will need many volunteers, mostly afternoons 12-4 pm, every day the week of July 29th in the band room.  Set up day on Monday is slightly earlier.  On these days we (re) fit students for summer uniforms, marching shoes, gloves, etc.; check paypal/charms receipts or collect payment; and issue red bags and any items paid for.  Please CLICK HERE to sign up to help or to contact Cindy for more info.

MB PAYMENTS – Charms finances is back up; the website payment pages will be back up shortly.  The new Upbeat band camp fee of $185 is now reflected in Charms.  We have ~47 students that need to complete payment of their $185 Upbeat fee.  Since there are varying amounts that need to be paid off this will need to be done through Charms rather than the website.  CLICK HERE for a guide on how to make payments directly in Charms so they will post faster and without requiring human intervention, the treasurer thanks you!  Please complete your payment of the $185 fee by July 28th before pre camp starts.  If you have any questions about your Upbeat fee or credit for the district fee please email our treasurer, Monica Siegert at finance@lakotawestbands.org

We expect district fees to be applied to your “student school fees” some time in late August.  Any amount in your band camp account >$185 on July 4th will be credited toward your district fee this year.  Student fees are expected to be paid in full when they are posted to your account.  If you are unable to pay your student fees in full when posted, you will need to contact Mr. Snyder and Mr. Elgin Card (principal) to make arrangements for a payment plan.  CLICK HERE for a payment plan document.  Athletic participation fees follow the same 3 payment plan.  Failure to stay current with a payment plan will result in the inability to participate in marching events (being an alternate at games/competitions) until payments are made current.