Upbeat Updates 10/6 – (trip, scholarship, Scrip, Taste of Music, UNOs, voting, Upbeat)

MACYS TRIP — We will have a Macy’s pre trip meeting for students, parents, and followers on Tuesday, 10/8 at 7pm in the West Freshman Auditorium.  We will cover details of the trip and answer questions.  Students are encouraged to attend with their parents to meet their chaperone and exchange info.  CLICK HERE for the updated student itinerary.  CLICK HERE for the updated followers itinerary.  CLICK HERE for updated FAQs concerning both trips.  Both itineraries and FAQs are posted to the respective payment pages.  CLICK HERE to find your student’s chaperone & bus assignments.  CLICK HERE for follower bus assignments, both to/from NY and while in NY.  Please read these documents and print any copies you feel are necessary to bring to the meeting.

Macy’s Trip Scholarships — Due to the generosity of a donor, money has been donated specifically to cover a portion of the trip fee assessed to students participating in the Macy’s trip.  This need based scholarship opportunity is for students in MB going on the trip.  Families interested in this scholarship must submit an application per student to Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org. A limited number of scholarships are available. If you have already received scholarship money this season/year you are not eligible at this time.  The deadline for consideration for this scholarship is October 11, 2013.  Please CLICK HERE for more info and to access the application.  *All applications must be submitted by the deadline date.

October Scrip orders due noon Friday 10/11 –  Don’t forget to get your Scrip orders in this month.  Consider getting Red Robin cards for our Taste of Music event October 23rd.  For a copy of the order form and complete details concerning the SCRIP program CLICK HERE.  The deadline for orders this month is October 8, 2013  if you mail your order, and noon October 11th if you drop it off.

Taste of Music (Red Robin 10/23) – This is our first event of the school year.  Bring in THIS FLYER and give it to your server when you dine between 11am – 10pm on 10/23 and Red Robin will give the band 10% of the check (excluding alcohol).  Print as many as you like and email them to your friends and family.

UNOs Dough Raiser 11/10 — Save this date.  UNOs has offered to close their restaurant for a day to do an exclusive fundraiser for the Lakota West Bands.  This will run very similar to our Jazz N Cakes breakfast.  Band members will pre sell tickets for an all you can eat pizza buffet and work shifts from ~10am-10pm in the restaurant to support the event as: bartenders, hosts, servers, entertainers and in the kitchen.  Ages 15 and older may work. UNOs will support with advertising and other entertainment.  Past events with other groups have been very successful.  They would like to partner with us for other events to help with our trips.  More info to come.

Voter Registration ONE WEEK LEFT & Levy – To vote in this November’s election, residents must register with the Butler County Board of Elections by Monday, Oct. 7. Early voting begins on Tuesday, Oct. 1 and regular voting on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5.  If you are 18 years old by 11/5 you may register and vote on all candidates and issues.  You may register to vote at Lakota West HS.  CLICK HERE to access the voter registration form and other voting information.

If you would like to help with the levy activities please use the following links to sign up:  OCT PHONE BANKS  or  OCT CANVASS.  Students may work the phone banks only for service hours.  You should get your parents permission before signing up.

Oct Upbeat Club Meeting:  Due to conflicts with concerts, the October Upbeat meeting is being rescheduled to Tuesday October 22 at 8pm at the Freshman auditorium following their fall concert.