10/20/14 Upbeat Updates (For the Calendar, Dough Raiser Thanks!, Haunted House, 50/50 Raffle, Dan Kenworthy Scholarship, Rose Parade Programs)

For the calendar:

  • Tuesday, October 21:  Freshman Band Fall Concert – 7pm at LW Freshman school auditorium with October LW Upbeat Club Meeting immediately following starting approximately 8-8:15pm
  • Thursday, October 22:  Silvers at LW Freshman School  7-9pm
  • Friday, October 24:  “The Haunting of Old Union School” – MB Rose Parade® Fundraiser 7pm-11pm.  $7/Adult, $5/Student at the door.  Come with friends, or volunteer! Click HERE for details and flier.
  • Saturday, October 25:  Shawnee Competition – Lakota West is currently scheduled to perform at 6:30pm.  Admission is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for Seniors/Students. Please click HERE for complete March-O-Rama schedule of events.  Click HERE for directions to Shawnee High School located at 1675 E Possum Road, Springfield, OH 45502.
  • Saturday, October 25: “The Haunting of Old Union School” – MB Rose Parade® Fundraiser 8pm-midnight.  $7/Adult, $5/Student at the door.  Come with friends, or volunteer!   Click HERE for details and flier.
  • Sunday, October 26:  A Taste for Music fundraiser at City Barbeque – Voice of America location.  Click HERE for details and flier to bring to City Barbeque.  Upbeat Club will receive 25% of your purchases with flier!
  • Thursday, October 30:  Last Silvers rehearsal of the year!
  • Friday, October 31:  Home Game:  East vs. West
  • Saturday, November 1:  OMEA State Contest – Performance time is 8:30pm  at Hilliard Bradley High School.

Thanks to the many, many volunteers who worked so hard on the Dough Raiser!  Whether you worked in the dining room, kitchen, or provided entertainment, we couldn’t have done it without all of you!  We don’t have final numbers yet – still reconciling tickets – but it was good, steady traffic all day.  Hope you had as much fun as we did!

“The Haunting of Old Union School”  — Adult and student volunteers still needed for this Friday and Saturday’s Haunted School event.

  • Adults sign up via sign up genius CLICK HERE.
  • Students sign up on the band room board.  Remember to check your time before you leave for the weekend!

50/50 Raffle tickets, Spirit Wear sales and pick-up will be available at the Freshman Concert on Tuesday!

Dan Kenworthy Scholarship will be awarded to a deserving Marching Band Senior at the November 6 Marching Firebirds Concert.  Encourage your student to write a letter if there is a senior they believe should be recognized.  The nomination process is for students to write recommendation letters describing why the senior they nominated meets the following criteria:   Dedication, Humor, Outgoing, Kind, Supportive, Charitable, Hard working, Helpful, Friendly, Vivacious, Cheerful, Giving, Confident, Family Oriented, Loving.  Letters are to be dropped in the envelope on the Lakota West Band room board in a sealed envelope no later than the night of OMEA State Finals (November 1).

Rose Parade Programs!!!
Rachel Butler will be at the Boosters meeting tomorrow night to collect orders for the Rose Bowl programs.  (Don’t forget the Booster’s meeting will be at the Freshman building after the Freshman concert on Tuesday, October 21, 2014.)  The Rose Parade programs are a fun way to commemorate your child’s accomplishment of marching in the Rose Parade!!!  The prices for the programs is only $10 (the same price as out in California).  You can order your program here, not have to worry about transporting it home from the parade, or having it damaged in your luggage.  Orders have to be received no later than Saturday, October 25th.  If you cannot attend the booster meeting, please mail the order form to Rachel at the address provided on the form, or you can turn it in to her at the competition this weekend.