Hope everyone is making the most of our short summer before Marching Band Camp starts on July 20th!
Marching Band Rehearsals and Performances, Concert and Jazz Band Concerts, and many other events are now on the Lakota West Bands Website Calendar – CLICK HERE to check it out!
Work day for new walk to Band Room Entrance – Please come and volunteer!
Hello, my name is Thomas Taylor. I am asking for volunteers to help me with my Eagle Project. I am building a paver walk from the band room to parking lot, at Lakota West HS. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- Sunday June 7th, 1pm – 4pm: What we’ll be doing is moving pavers from under Football stands to outside band room.
- Monday – Friday, June 8th – 12th, 6pm -9pm: Spreading sand and laying pavers.
- This would be great for anyone needing service hours!
- Please bring work gloves, and shovels, wear closed toe shoes.
- There will be water and food for all volunteers.
- Thanks for your help!
You can contact Thomas at 513-213-6441 or 513-868-6472
Scholarships for Marching Band Available!
The Lakota West Upbeat Club has approved funding of multiple financial-need based scholarships of $200/student (50% of total fee) as part of the 15/16 budget. Scholarships are paid directly to the district once the student has paid the first $200 of their fees, consistent with how payment of need-based scholarships for athletics occurs. CLICK HERE for the 15/16 scholarship application form. The form needs to be completed, signed by both parent and student, and submitted with a letter explaining the need. Personally identifiable information is removed from the submitted letters by one of the officers and scholarship selection is made by a committee of alumni parents using the redacted letters. Please contact Jill Trygier at president@lakotawestbands.org with any questions. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS FRIDAY, JULY 24 ( FRIDAY OF PRECAMP)