Angel Fund Application
Upbeat Club money is set aside from fundraisers and donations to cover marching band travel fees for mandatory competitions assessed to students participating in the Lakota West Marching Band, including Color Guard. Lakota West families looking for assistance with their children’s marching band travel fees for mandatory competitions are encouraged to apply for consideration. This scholarship opportunity is for students in grades 9-12. Families interested in being considered for the Angel Fund should submit a completed application to the Upbeat Club President by email at the address: president@lakotawestbands.org.
A limited number of scholarships are available. Click here for application.
Dan Kenworthy Scholarship
The Dan Kenworthy Scholarship is a $500 scholarship awarded to the outstanding Marching Band senior who best displays the following qualities both on and off the field: Dedication, Hardworking, Helpful, Supportive, Giving, Charitable, Kind, Friendly, Loving, Outgoing, Cheerful, Vivacious, Humor, Family Oriented.
The Dan Kenworthy scholarship application is awarded at the Marching Band Concert in the fall.
Weatherwax Scholarship
Lakota West Upbeat Club provides a scholarship to a senior in one of our concert bands each year. Bill Weatherwax was a warm and caring band dad who loved volunteering in so many different ways: from Solo & Ensemble, to Pit Crew to chairing Jazz ‘n Cakes. To honor his spirit, the Upbeat Club awards this scholarship to a senior who exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and cheerful spirit.
The Weatherwax Scholarship is awarded at Band Awards night in the spring. All interested seniors should fill out the application and submit by email to president@lakotawestbands.org.
Greg Snyder Coda Scholarship Award
The Greg Snyder Coda Award is awarded to a Lakota West senior who is a Symphonic Winds and Marching Firebirds member. This person is committed to playing his/her instrument in a college-sanctioned ensemble or marching band; he/she may or may not plan to be a music major. Throughout high school, this individual increasingly displayed the characteristics of a good leader. In addition, he/she is a joyful person, who is patient and has gained the respect of fellow band members. This person is kind and faithful to the band program and directors.
The use of the word “Coda” (an Italian musical term meaning the concluding passage of a piece or movement) in the scholarship name refers to Mr. Snyder’s endearing use of the phrase, “We never miss the coda because we go to La-kota (coda) every day.”
The Greg Snyder Coda Scholarship is awarded at the Band Awards night in the spring. Please see details and application on the Greg Snyder Band website.