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Spirit Week Themes

Donations needed for Lock-in on 7/30

- Note meal plan on the calendar graphic above
- Section Dinners on Thursday, parents need to provide transportation
- Snack Donations: We ask for parents to provide items a few times each year to keep overall costs down. Here is the first time!
- Ice Cream Social on Sunday 7/25 from 6pm – 8pm
- Volunteers still needed – SIGNUP
- We need a couple more people for the Social on Sunday 7/25
- An opening for lunch and first aid on 7/28
- A few water and tent setup throughout the week (we are going to need this based on forecast!)
- Lock-in chaperones for the late shift
- Shifts throughout Post-Week and Bonus Week
- Pool Party is 8/1 and technically part of Post Camp but here is waiver they will need to have signed and bring to the site. Waiver
- Fun articles on how to survive band camp! Not all applies but much of it does. Hydrate today!
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