We are so excited to have the planning underway for our Swing Dance! Lots of helpful information below:
Snacks and Treats
We ask that all band students contribute a snack for the event on 12/10. See the list below for your item to bring!

Examples below:
Finger Foods:Veggie trays, Meatballs, Meat or Fruit trays, Deviled eggs, Cheese cubes, Dips (cold & hot), Pigs in a blanket, Cheese & crackers
Sweets: **NO Nuts – Cookies, Brownies, Cookie bars, Cupcakes
Salt or Savory: **Individual Bags – Bugles, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, or any kind of Chips, Tortilla Chips & Salsa or Queso, Pretzels, Chex Mix, Crackers
Online ticket sales open 11/29. Access to purchase them will be through the Band Store.
Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 at the door, cash or credit.Tickets for children aged 3-10 are $5 in advance or $7 at the door.
Donate items for Reach Out Lakota and receive raffle tickets for fun door prizes!
Please consider helping out the night of the event, a variety of options to choose from! Signup here.
Promote,the event!
Ways to help spread the word:
Share Facebook Event to your page, share to neighborhood Facebook groups that you have joined, and mark that you are interested or going,
Retweet the event in Twitter.
Share the flyer with friends and neighbors.
Entertainment will be provided by Lakota West Jazz Musicians, and Swing Dance Instructors will be on hand to provide lessons!
7:30 – Jazz Orchestra | 7:55 – West Freshman | 8:40 – Jazz Lab | 9:30 – Jazz Orchestra |