Welcome to a new season of Band Camp! To all of our returning Families, welcome back! To our new Families, WELCOME!!! A lot more details regarding Band Camp will be coming in the following weeks. We wanted to welcome our Families, answer some questions, and get you thinking about all things Marching Band.
Why do we use so many different communication tools?

We know the number of programs/apps/websites needed as part of the program can be overwhelming. Here’s why we need so many, what each does and how to get connected.
School Code=lakotawestbands
Student Area Password = student id OR whatever you/your student has changed it to.
There is ONE account per student with all adults using that account with the same login information instead of creating their own password.
*Website – The main HUB for all things band.
- Calendar subscription – keep your personal calendar updated automatically
- Subscribe to Upbeat Club emails
In addition to the calendar and email newsletters, order spirit wear, find the handbook, look at photos, find contact information, and so much more.
Details regarding specific events, competitions, etc. will be added to that calendar date. Click on the event to see the details.
*REMIND – How immediate information will be shared, via texts.
Text the message @LWMB2022 to 81010
Last minute notifications – bus arrival time from trips/competitions, last minute changes to practices, etc.
*GroupMe – Communication tool for students within their sections and specific volunteer groups
Invitation will come from section leader to the student, there is an app that will need downloaded from the app store.
Where students will receive specifics regarding their sections such as practice times, arrival times, etc.
Adults use within specific volunteer groups like pit crew and uniforms.
Chaperones also use during trips for easier communication.
*Social Media
Follow along on Social Media for community information about upcoming events, celebration of our students’ accomplishments, sharing of photos, and much much more!
Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a great way to get to know the other students your child will be spending so much time with, the other parents and the directors, it makes for lighter work for others and it can make the events a lot more fun.
We will have many volunteer opportunities available throughout the season. From helping for one hour at one event to helping on an ongoing basis, we want your help and will not turn away any time you can provide. Below is a listing of a small sampling of opportunities, keep an eye on emails for signup lists and information. If you want to help but aren’t sure where, let us know. We’ll help you find a place.
- Band Camp
- Help set-up or clean up; Help serve meals; Help with First Aid
- Football Games
- Help with props; Help with uniforms; Serve refreshments
- Uniforms
- Help with fittings and measurements; Help distribute during games and competitions; Help launder and organize
- Pit Crew
- Help build props; Help get props & equipment on and off the field during performances
- Special Events
- Chaperones; Jazz N Cakes; Band Camp social activities; Tag Day; and many more
- If interested in Chaperoning any trips, this application will be due by August 20th
- Chaperones; Jazz N Cakes; Band Camp social activities; Tag Day; and many more
Band Camp
Band Camp will run Monday-Friday July 18 through August 12. Please see the calendar for times and details. Every week and every day might provide something different, please keep an eye on the weekly emails regarding what meals the students need to bring, what activities they might be doing, what spirit items might be needed and more. We will keep the calendar updated with all of that information as soon as it is known.
Some things that you and your student can do now to start preparing
- Make sure your student has 2 pairs of sturdy athletic shoes and break them in now.
- Get your student physically ready. They will walk miles during camp, in intense heat, while holding and playing an instrument.
- Obtain a 64oz water jug and write your name on it. Every student must bring a large capacity water jug to every rehearsal throughout the entire season.
- Proper hydration cannot be overemphasized and should start a few days in advance.
- Your student will need to bring the following items to band camp every day, in addition to the above items:
- Clothing needs to follow the Lakota Schools dress code. T-shirts or tank tops are acceptable. Shirts and shorts must meet meaning no bare skin should be visible on the abdomen. This dress code applies for practices and all evening activities. Students who are dressed inappropriately will be sent home to change.
- Thick cotton socks: The best blister prevention equipment. A change of socks available each day is strongly recommended.
- Rain gear – Jacket or poncho
- Hat or visor – optional
- Sunglasses – optional
- Instrument, music, flip folder & coordinates
- Sunscreen & Insect repellant – optional but recommended
- A packed lunch or dinner – check schedule to find out which days

As questions arise through the season, we suggest the following:
- Refer to emails
- The majority of information you will need to know will be there.
- Emails will come weekly from Upbeat Club and as needed from Directors
- The majority of information you will need to know will be there.
- Refer to the website
- If it was shared in an email, it will be on the website. If it pertains to specific days, check the calendar.
- Refer to the Handbook for general information.
- Refer to your children
- They are receiving all the information THEY need to know.
- They should refer to their section leaders with questions.
- Ask other parents
- The Upbeat executive team and team leads will have the most current information, and any seasoned band parent will be able and happy to assist.
Our children will make memories and friendships to last a lifetime! Get ready for an amazing journey of intensely hard work and plenty of fun!