We hope to see you tonight at the Community Performance to help us cheer on the amazing efforts of our students over the past few weeks. Find more information HERE. Please invite your friends, family & neighbors; we want to fill this stadium!

Lakota West vs. St. X Football Game 
Our 1st half-time performance will be taking place on Friday, August 19. A lot of hands are needed to make things run smoothly. If you have an interest in volunteering, please email the appropriate group below:
Pit Crew – pitcrew@lakotawestbands.org
Uniforms – uniforms@lakotawestbands.org
3rd Quarter Refreshments – president@lakotawestbands.org
Photographers – photos@lakotawestbands.org
Split the Pot – splitpot@lakotawestbands.org
See more about volunteering, including descriptions of each category, HERE.
*More details as they pertain to the students will be sent through Charms from Mr. Carr and/or shared through the Leadership team directly with the students.
Calendar Fundraiser
LWMB students are now selling entries into our calendar raffle! We hope you are encouraging your student(s) to sell to family, friends, neighbors and anyone you know in any part of the world. It’s easy to participate, 100% of the proceeds go directly to the band and the profits will support the 2022 trips to BOA Super Regionals, Grand Nationals and more.
$20/ticket gets you entered to win money EVERY SINGLE DAY in September. Even if you win, your entry goes back in for more chances to win!
Your student came home with paper copies of the calendar and a sheet of entry tickets, feel free to make additional copies, or you can direct people to our website to purchase online here: https://lakotawestbands.org/product/calendar-raffle-entry/
Good luck to everyone! We hope you win BIG!


Join us at our 1st Upbeat Club Meeting of the season. August 18th in the Freshman Campus Band Room at 6:30pm. You will be able to find an agenda HERE.
ALL are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Tag Day is coming up and we will need A LOT of help from students and parents.
Look for more information soon but please block out 10am-2pm on Saturday, August 27.
Calendar changes:
Lakota West has changed the date for homecoming to October 1 which has caused some shifts in the original band calendar. Please check the updated calendar HERE and we encourage you to subscribe to the band calendar, so all changes will automatically reflect on your personal calendar.

We want to wish everyone a great start to a new school year!