Band Pictures – Friday August 12th
Everyone is involved in the panoramic- individuals are optional
Picture forms went home Thursday night (8/4/22) with the students.
7:30am – MAIN CAMPUS band room opens. Arrival time is up to the student.
9:00am – Students need to be in full uniform (minus shakos), including gloves and black socks with marching shoes.
9:20am – Group photo should be completed. Students are free to go or can get individual, group or buddy pictures on the field with Lifetouch.
Lifetouch oversees the pictures, packages and money collection, so all questions should go to them. We suggest having selections, order forms & payment completed prior to arrival.
If you are purchasing pictures, please note that you must calculate the tax on your form and include it in your payment.
Community Performance
Just a few reminders for parents and guests for our Community Performance on Friday night:
- Please do not post any videos of the show to social media. You may take videos, but we ask respectfully that you do not share the show videos publicly. You can proudly share any pictures and videos of pregame!
- Please do not park near the band room entrance to the building. This area will be used by parents and students as they prepare for the show. Thank you for helping to keep our students, staff, families, and volunteers safe.
- Please remind your students that they must wear their summer uniform red polo, black athletic shorts, and short no-show socks with sneakers for the performance.
Although pizza and drinks are provided to the entire community, you might want to bring some cash for the Ice Cream Truck, Spirit Wear, Calendar Raffle, and Marching Band Window Clings!
Email president@lakotawestbands.org or LWUpbeat@gmail.com with any questions.