An email was sent through Charms from Mr. Carr on Tuesday, 8/16. Please refer to that for specific details regarding the football game tonight and camp day tomorrow.
First Game Tonight (Friday)
Lakota West vs. St. X – Students & volunteers have their details regarding arrival times, what is needed and approximate dismissal times.
No tickets will be sold at the gate so please refer to this website to purchase your tickets to the game.

Camp day Saturday
All students have a practice on Saturday (tomorrow) from 9am-4pm at Freshman Campus. Lunch is 12-1, on or off-site.
West vs East game | Friday 8/26
Although the game is away, the West Marching Firebirds are planning on attending. Stay tuned for more details (through Charms from Mr. Carr).
Tag Day
Tag Day is coming up on Saturday, August 27 and a lot of parent drivers are needed to chauffer our students around to West feeder neighborhoods.
Refer to Driver Instructions for details.
Student Instructions – they will be getting a lot of details in classes as well.
Chaperones are needed for all bus trips (to competitions) and for our 2 trips to St. Louis and Indianapolis. – deadline to signup is 8/20 –
Sign up for BUS CHAPERONES here
Application for TRIP CHAPERONES. Please fill out and return to bus@lakotawestbands.org or give to Monique Penney or Amy Koenes by August 20.
- Trip registration links and details should be emailed through Charms/Mr. Carr any day. Three installments will be due 8/26, 9/15 and 10/15.
- Please do not pay in full. The final installment will be adjusted based on multiple factors (the calendar fundraiser being one) and we don’t want you to overpay.
Tech Team
Our Tech team is looking for additional help for concert livestreaming. All equipment is provided. Please reach out to communications@lakotawestbands.org.
Last chance to get your Spirit Wear – store closes at midnight on Sunday (August 21)

Thank you to our newest Platinum sponsor:

They are joining our other corporate Sponsors and we thank them all!

As always, reach out to LWUpbeat@gmail.com or president@lakotawestbands.org with any questions.