TONIGHT | Wind Symphony I & II Honor Band Rehearsal | 4-9pm (break 5:30-6:30) | Mason High School
TONIGHT | Middle School Honor Band Registration & Rehearsal | 5:30-9pm | Mason Middle School
TONIGHT | 9th grade Honor Band Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Mason High School
Saturday 1/13 | 9th grade Honor Concert Band Rehearsal | 9-4 | Mason High School
Saturday 1/13 | Middle School Honor Band Rehearsal | 9-4 | Mason Middle School
Saturday 1/13 | Wind Symphony I & II Honor Band Rehearsal | 9-4 (break 12-1) | Mason High School
Sunday 1/14 | Middle School Honor Band Concert | 2-3 | Mason High School
Sunday 1/14 | High School Honor Bands Concert | 4-5:30 | Mason High School
Monday 1/15 | NO SCHOOL
Thursday 1/18 | Upbeat Club Meeting | 6:30pm | Main Campus Band Room

Upbeat Club Meeting

Find all documents from past and upcoming meetings HERE.
Winter Guard
TONIGHT | Rehearsal (JV ONLY) | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Monday 1/15 | Rehearsal (VARSITY) | 9-3 pm (lunch 12-12:30) | Freshman Gym
Tuesday 1/16 | Rehearsal (VARSITY) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Wednesday 1/17 | Rehearsal (JV ONLY) | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Thursday 1/18 | Rehearsal (VARSITY) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Competition Schedule (time of performance will be updated as schedule becomes available)
Saturday 1/27 | Competition hosted by Lakota West
Saturday 2/17 | Campbell County High School
Saturday 3/2 (Varsity only) | Pittsburgh
Saturday 3/9 (Varsity only) | Milford High School
Saturday 3/16 | Ryle High School
Saturday 3/23 & Sunday 3/24 | Cincinnati (location TBA)
Saturday 3/30 (Varsity only) | location TBA
April 11-April 13 (Varsity only) | Dayton (location TBA)
Winter Guard Competition hosted by Lakota West

We will be hosting our first ever indoor competition event for Winter Guard and Percussion with Tri-State Marching Arts on Saturday, January 27th at the Lakota West Freshman Building! This event will feature 25 groups from all over the tri-state area and
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please find information and
Another sign up for food and drink donations will be coming soon.
A variety of volunteer jobs throughout the day for adults and students, as well as donation opportunities will be available! Your help is needed to support a successful first event, and as always, all proceeds raised will support our entire Upbeat Club budget and all programs of Lakota West Bands and Guard!
Contact Amy Koenes at lwupbeat@gmail.com with questions!
Taste Of Music
Our Krispy Kreme Fundraiser was extended! You did not miss your chance to buy doughnuts AND support our band, purchase your voucher today!

The Krispy Kreme fundraiser is going on. You pay $15 per dozen and 50% of each sale will be donated to Lakota West Upbeat Club!! You can share this fundraiser with friends and family out of town who can redeem their code at their local Krispy Kreme!
2. Choose the quantity & order delicious dozens
3. Pick up your doughnuts at 370+ participating Krispy Kreme locations across the U.S.
Share the link above with your friends and family on social media to let them know they can support Lakota West Upbeat Club just

Save the Dates
Try Band Open House for 6th Grade Families | January 25 | Spread the Word
Winter Guard Competition hosted by Lakota West | January 27
Jazz ‘n Cakes | April 6
Jazz ‘n Cakes
The Jazz ‘n Cakes committee held their first meeting this week. Get ready for a lot of information to be shared in the coming weeks. If you have any interest in joining the committee, please send an email to pancake@lakotawestbands.org.
Some initial information to be shared from first meeting:
- We are looking for an additional kitchen lead. Work behind the scenes to plan and prepare the food for this incredible event! Work for this position will begin around March. There are multiple people who lead this, we’re looking for more.
- Look for ticket sales to open mid February.
- We’re looking for donations of raffle baskets or items to be included in raffle baskets. These can be donated by families or businesses and we have donation letters available. Please reach out to market@lakotwestbands.org to donate or for more information.

Congratulations to our students who performed last weekend with the Honor Jazz Bands!
We’re sending well wishes to ALL of our students performing this weekend!