TOMORROW | Winter Guard Competition | Ryle High School | JV & Varsity will perform
Tuesday 3/19 | Concert with Cincinnati Brass Band | Crestview Presbyterian Church | 7pm (concert begins)
Wednesday 3/20 | GIFT CARDS DUE for Jazz ‘n Cakes | Turn in to Mr. Carr or Mr. Celek | see below for details
Thursday 3/21 | Upbeat Club Meeting | 6:30pm | Main Campus Band Room
See you Thursday!

Find meeting documents HERE.
Winter Guard
Tonight 3/15 | Rehearsal (JV) | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Saturday 3/16 | Competition (JV & Varsity) | Ryle High School
Monday 3/18 | Rehearsal (Varsity) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Tuesday 3/19 | Rehearsal (Varsity) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Wednesday 3/20 | Rehearsal (JV) | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Thursday 3/21 | Rehearsal (Varsity) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Competition Schedule
Saturday 3/16 | Ryle High School
Saturday 3/23 & Sunday 3/24 | Varsity at Cintas Center
Saturday 3/23 | JV at George Rodgers Clark HS/Lexington
Saturday 3/30 (Varsity only) | location TBA
April 11-April 13 (Varsity only) | Dayton (location TBA)
CONGRATULATIONS to our Varsity Team who placed 2nd in their class last week in Milford!

Jazz ‘n Cakes

Find everything you need on our website HERE. Purchase tickets to breakfast, raffle tickets, find performance times and more.
Adults can signup HERE.
Students can signup HERE.
Raffle Baskets and Silent Auction Donations
Raffle Baskets and Silent Auction items are an important part of this fundraiser and donations are needed to help make this event a great success! Please consider the following:
- Sponsoring or donating a basket. Our Jazz ‘n Cakes team can even do the shopping for you, assemble the basket, and put your name on it if you want to donate financially or you can donate a completed basket
- Every student is asked to donate a $5 or $10 gift card or cash or equivalent valued item for the basket raffles. Directors will collect donations through Wednesday, March 20th. Follow the themes in the graphic to help ensure variety!
- Are you part of a monthly subscription club- ie wine of the month, bourbon tasting, etc? Does your family or company have season tickets to a sporting event, theater event, etc? Consider donating an item or two from those subscriptions.
- Do you have a Christmas or Birthday gift that never got returned and is now collecting dust that would make a great basket item?
- Does your child work at a local business that might donate a gift card?
Ready to donate? Email market@lakotawestbands.org to arrange pickup.

Save the Dates
Thursday 4/4 | Rookie Meeting
Saturday 4/6 | Jazz ‘n Cakes
Thursday 4/18 | Upbeat Club Meeting
Tuesday 4/23 | Taste for Music/Red Robin
Jazz ‘n Cakes – Adults can signup HERE. Students can signup HERE. – Numerous tasks and shifts available, you do not need to commit to the entire event and will have the opportunity to see your student perform.
We will be making nominations for the Upbeat Club Executive Board at our next meeting on March 21. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to president@lakotawestbands.org.
We will also be looking to fill some lead positions within the Upbeat Club. Look for more information to come out regarding these positions soon but you can read more about volunteer opportunities on our website HERE.
Band Camp – Our planning committee is forming and will start meeting in March. If you’d like to learn more, reach out to bandcamp@lakotawestbands.org.
Calling All Amateur Photographers or Wannabes
The Lakota West Bands photography team is looking to expand! Do you dabble in photography? All are welcome to join the team.
Perks of being a Band Photographer:
- Get to know the incredible students, staff, and volunteers
- Front row view of the action at games and events
- Behind the scene access at certain events
- Endless gratitude from families for the memories you help preserve
- Practice and develop your photography skills in a very low pressure environment
- Be a contributor to the tradition and legacy of this incredible band program
Take the first step by emailing your interest or questions to photos@lakotawestbands.org, or reach each out to Jenni Kershaw or another member of Exec Board any time.
Come have some fun with us!

We love our band photographers!!!