Monday 5/27 | Memorial Day Parade | See details below or HERE.
Tuesday 5/28 | Mini Camp | 1-9pm | Main Campus (meet in Band Room)
Wednesday 5/29 | Mini Camp 1-9pm | Main Campus
Thursday 5/30 | Mini Camp | 1-9pm | Main Campus
Thursday 5/30 | Family Picnic | 6-7:30pm | Outside Band Room
Thursday 5/30 | Mini Camp Parent Performance | 8pm | Main Campus Gym
Memorial Day Parade (Rookies excluded)
Find full details HERE.
Students should wear summer uniforms
- 9:10am – Meet at Boys & Girls Club
- 10am – Parade Starts

Notes about Mini Camp (all details found HERE):
- Students need to bring a dinner or have dinner brought to them on Tuesday & Wednesday. Dinner break is 5-6pm. Dinner will provided to students on Thursday. Everyone will eat in the cafeteria and are not permitted to leave campus during dinner breaks.
- A list of what to bring can be found in the graphic above. Do NOT forget water!

Join your Marching Band Family on Thursday, May 30, for a picnic. We’ll socialize, meet new families, ask & answer questions, share some laughs and conversation and then we’ll head inside to the gym at 8:00 to watch our students show off what they learned during mini-camp.
About that time of year when we’re looking for loads of volunteers. Whether you have 1 hour during the season or 1 hour a day, whether you’re a techy person, someone who likes to build things, or someone who likes to sell things, we have something for you. I don’t think anyone has ever regretted volunteering with our band program! If you’re interested and want to know more, reach out to president@lakotawestbands.org or lwupbeat@gmail.com. We can help you get connected.
We have several lead positions available:
- Bus Chaperone lead
- Invitational co-lead
- Parent Volunteer Potluck Dinners
- Photographers
- Trip Coordinator co-lead
- Try Band co-lead
- Mattress Sale
- Split the Pot
- Swing Dance
- Tag Day co-lead
- Try Band co-lead
- Winterguard Competition
We will also have several volunteer opportunities coming up:
- Band Camp
- Pit Crew
- Uniforms
- Bus Chaperones
- 3rd Quarter Refreshments
Sign up Geniuses will be sent out when available.
And we’re always willing to grow our groups regardless if we list a position or not. If there’s something you’ve seen or heard about, please reach out! The more the merrier!
An email was sent on Friday, May 17 from Colin Celek with subject line Memorial Day and Mini Camp Info 2024. If you did not receive it, please reach out to Mr. Celek at colin.celek@lakotaonline.com. He shared a link to a document that will be ongoing throughout the season with details pertaining to schedules and more from the Directors. You will want to bookmark that link and refer to it the entirety of the season.
Make sure to keep an eye on Flickr as the season progresses. Our INCREDIBLE photography team will be on site capturing all of the fun (& hard work) for us. It truly is a priceless gift, and we cannot thank that team enough!!
Our next newsletter will be sent on July 12. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. You can always find information on our website, our calendar, and on our social media pages (@lakotawestbands). Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you again in July!
Save the Dates
Tag Day | Saturday 8/24
Lakota West Invitational | 9/14