With Marching Band camp starting soon, Your Upbeat Club Executive Board wanted to touch base with all of our families regarding some pertinent information.

GroupMe App
ALL students should be a part of their section GroupMe.
If they have installed the GroupMe App but are not receiving messages, please have them reach out to their section leader immediately.
If they have not downloaded the GroupMe App, have them do that immediately.
This is the communication tool Student Leadership uses and it’s important that ALL STUDENTS join their group’s chat in order to receive timely information directly from their section leaders.
The section (instrument) chats in GroupMe are for STUDENTS ONLY.

The Upbeat Club Exec Board created a GroupMe for NEW (rookie) parents.
We realize there are a ton of potential questions new families may have, so we created a GroupMe for rookie families to ask those questions directly to the Exec Team.
This GroupMe will be restricted to rookie families, and we ask that participants defer to the Exec Team to answer questions to avoid confusion and miscommunication.
We look forward to connecting with you and helping guide you this season.
Use the QR code or THIS LINK to join the group.

Email Subscriptions
New this year for all families, we have automatically added you to our email subscription list. With the elimination of Charms, our email subscription is the best option to communicate with everyone. If you are receiving this email and (1) your plans with marching band have changed or (2) you need to update your email address or (3) you need to remove duplicate email addresses, etc., please reply to this email with any requested changes and we will update asap.
We will be sending out weekly emails that will simplify the week ahead with schedules, need to know information, any links needed, etc.
If needed, we may send additional emails with timely or otherwise important information, but we hope the weekly Friday email is sufficient most weeks.

Suggestions to Stay Connected
Calendar subscription – Subscribe to the band calendar so all information and updates are automatically at your fingertips.
Remind – Subscribe to Remind to get timely information when necessary. We will use Remind to text you with last minute updates regarding schedules, times students will return to campus from trips, etc.
Social Media – Follow LakotaWestBands on Facebook, Instagram, and X
We look forward to seeing all of our families and meeting our new families in the weeks ahead. Look for information later this week with details regarding volunteering at band camp and more.