Please refer to the Directors Memo for full details, expectations and explanations
TONIGHT | Band Night & Football Game | Main Campus | Read Directors Memo for full details
Saturday 9/14 | Lakota West Invitational | Main Campus Stadium | Read Directors Memo for details
Monday 9/16 | Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Wednesday 9/18 | Rehearsal (no guard) | 3:45-6pm | Main Campus
Wednesday 9/18 | Color Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-8pm | Main Campus Practice Lot
Thursday 9/19 | Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Thursday 9/19 | Upbeat Meeting | 6:30pm | Main Campus Band Room

Lakota West Invitational
Gates Open 5:30pm
West Performs 9:15pm
Find tickets, schedules and more on our website HERE.
Chaperones Needed for TWO Competitions

We need bus chaperones for TWO of our day trip competitions to Obetz and Springboro.
You’ll ride the bus to and from with the students, with another chaperone, checking for attendance before departing locations. You may be asked to assist with uniforms or pit crew if needed. Once at destination, students will be in the care of the Directors.
Tickets to the competitions can be purchased for you by the Upbeat Club.
Please signup HERE or email bus@lakotawestbands.org.
Thank you for your consideration!

Upbeat Club Meeting on THURSDAY!
Enter through the Band Room!
Find all documents related to the meeting and past meetings HERE.
If you have any questions about Marching or Concert band, plan on attending!
Calendar Raffle
Congratulations to our winners so far and thank you to everyone who sold!
September 1 | Emily Sanborn | sold by Cameron McGee |
September 2 | Deb Coronel | sold by Max Bernthal |
September 3 | Carrie Conn | sold by Hailey Conn |
September 4 | Steven Humphrey | sold by Andrew Misch |
September 5 | Hank Stonerook | sold by Andrew Misch |
September 6 | FRIDAY FRENZY | Emily Byers | sold by Caroline Braden |
September 7 | Julie Nottke | sold by Caitlyn Nottke |
September 8 | Amber Scott | sold by Jackson Miller |
September 9 | Maria Schmidt | sold by Katie Holtmeier |
September 10 | Emily Sanborn | sold by Cameron McGee |
September 11 | Allison Boger | sold by Lucas Boger |
September 12 | Sheila Lang | sold by Sophia Lang |
Watch our social media accounts for the winners to be announced everyday at 3:10pm.
THANK YOU to EVERYONE who sold entries! Thanks to your fundraising efforts, every student is receiving $77.04 off the balance of their trip.
Marching Band Trips

Calendar Raffle profits have been split evenly amongst all marching band & color guard students to help offset the trip costs and will reflect on your balance soon. The total amount deducted from every student’s trip cost is $77.04. You will receive another email informing you of your final balance and please pay that amount in full, by October 2. THANK YOU!
MEDICATIONS – The deadline to submit paperwork & medications for the trips is October 5. Please see THIS LETTER from our school nurse. Please direct all questions to the nurse, Sarah Mitchell, at Sarah.Mitchell@lakotaonline.com.
PSAT Testing – All students who wish to take the PSAT test will be able to take a later bus to Tennessee and meet up with the group for dinner. Please read details HERE from Mr. Carr.
Photography Team News
Senior Banners are in place inside the stadium front gate and they look FANTASTIC!! Make sure you take a look when you’re there tomorrow.
A HUGE THANK YOU to our photography team for all of their work! The photos look GREAT and we appreciate the planning, the pivoting, the editing and the sharing!!!!

Volunteers Needed
Bus Chaperones for Day Trips (Obetz & Springboro)
Tech Team – Looking for someone to run a camera during live performances, all equipment is provided. If you’re interested or want more information, email web@lakotawestbands.org.
A lot of our committee leads and exec board members will be senior-ing out at the end of the school year. Consider shadowing one this year to see if it’s something that would interest you, learn the ropes, etc. Just some of the positions that will be open for the 25-26 year are:
- VP Communications
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Trip Coordinator
- Uniforms
- Taste of Music
In addition to the positions already open:
- Try Band
- Mattress Sale
- Split the Pot
- Swing Dance
- Winterguard Competition lead
- Publicity & Social Media Design
If you have interest or would like more information, email president@lakotawestbands.org or lwupbeat@gmail.com
Spirit Wear

Marching Firebird Messages
The deadline has passed to be included tomorrow but still time for the rest of the season.
Share a message with a Marching Firebird! Your personalized message will be printed and sewn into their show uniforms and remain there all season. It’s a fun way to support our students and band! Find more information and purchase HERE.
Want to have your logo on our website? Would you like to be featured on our social media pages? You could even have your logo on one of our band trucks? Inquire into becoming a corporate sponsor for the Lakota West Bands. You can find information on our website HERE and/or email Sponsorship@lakotawestbands.org for more information.

Coming Soon:
Stadium Dress Rehearsal | Friday 9/20
BOA Obetz Competition | September 21
TN & St. Louis trips MEDICATIONS due | October 4
MSBA Competition-Springboro | October 5
Senior Night | October 11
Band-O-Ween | October 21