Friday 3/7 | OMEA Large Group Contest | 5-11pm | Fairfield High School

Friday 3/7 | JV Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5-9pm | Creekside Gym

Friday 3/7 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Saturday 3/8 | Winter Guard Competition | Ryle High School JV performs 10:48am / Varsity performs 5:58pm

Saturday 3/8 | OMEA Large Group Contest | 9-3:30pm | Fairfield High School

Monday 3/10 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Thursday 3/13 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Thursday 3/13 | Plains Jr. Winter Band Concert | 6:30pm | Plains Jr. Gym

Friday 3/14 | NO SCHOOL

Friday 3/14 | Varsity Winter Guard | Rehearsal 11am-2pm | Load buses 2:45 | Freshman School | Competition (Varsity only) | Avon High School, IN

Friday 3/14 | JV Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5-9pm | Creekside Gym

Jazz ‘n Cakes

April 5 | 8am-12pm | Main Campus Cafeteria

Jazz ‘n Cakes will be here before we know it and WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Here is how:

  • Donations
    • Money & Gift Cards for raffle baskets
      • You can donate HERE on Venmo and we’ll do the shopping for you (account is for our Upbeat Club President)
      • Send in money (cash or check) or gift cards to Directors. Money will be used to purchase items and gift cards will be put towards baskets.
    • Raffle Baskets
      • Donate a completed raffle basket of your choice (with a value of $100)
    • Items for Raffle Baskets
      • Provide individual items and we will put with others to create baskets
      • Ask your favorite local businesses and organizations for donations
  • Purchase tickets
  • Volunteers
    • We will need lots of volunteers the day of.
    • We are in need of volunteers now to help us solicit and pickup donations from area businesses.
    • We are in need of committee members and shadows for the planning.

Please use for any communication needs.



Ryle Information | Schedule | Carpool | Packing List | TMA Ryle page

Avon Information (Varsity only) | Coming soon | Competition page | Looking for any other parent who is able to attend this trip and ride the bus with the students. Let Brittany know.

March JV Schedule

Fridays 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28 | 5-9pm | Creekside Gym

Saturday 3/8 | TMA | Ryle High School | Performance time 10:48am

Saturday 3/22 | TMA | GRC Semi-Finals

Saturday 3/29 | TMA | Truist Arena Championships (if qualified on 3/22)

March Varsity Schedule

Fridays 3/7, 3/21, 3/28 | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Saturday 3/8 | TMA | Ryle High School | Performance time 5:58pm

Mondays 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31 | Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30 | Freshman Auditorium

Thursdays 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 | Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30 | Freshman Auditorium

Friday 3/14- Sunday 3/16 | WGI Regional Competition | Avon, IN | Prelim performance Saturday 1:10pm TENTATIVE | Looking for any other parent who is able to attend this trip and ride the bus with the students. Let Brittany know.

Saturday 3/22 | Rehearsal | Freshman Gym

Saturday 3/29 | TMA | Truist Arena Championships

Competition Schedule

March 8 | TMA Ryle | 10:48am JV performs / 5:58 Varsity performs

March 14-16 | WGI Mideast Regional | Avon High School | VARSITY ONLY

March 22 | TMA Semi Finals George Rogers Clark | JV ONLY

March 29 | TMA Championships

April 3-4 | WGI Prelims/Semis/Finals | VARSITY ONLY

April 7 | Friends & Family Show | Tentative & Time TBD

Coming Soon:

Jazz ‘n Cakes | April 5

Marching Band Rookie Meeting | April 8