Upbeat Updates 4/20 – (senior pics, McDonalds, Kroger, scholarships, officers, payments/trips)

URGENT Parents of Seniors – Please submit photos – baby and current – of your student for the slide show on Awards night 0n May 23.   Photos can be scanned (200-300 dpi) and sent to president@lakotawestbands.org or there is an envelope on the bulletin board in the band room.  Please make sure all photos are marked with the student’s name.  Please submit by Friday, May 3.  (You can get your photos back on awards night)

Taste of Music, McDonalds –The next dining dates are Thursday 5/2 and 5/16 6-9 pm.  This fundraiser involves getting as many families to come eat as possible.  Or for a “double dip,” buy gift cards that night and then use them to buy dinner.  ALL SALES qualify towards band credit during the sale hours (coupon books, gift cards, food).  We also need  8 – 10 adults >18ys old to volunteer during the events at McDonald’s on 747 and Smith (across from Kroger).  We will not be making food or handling money. We work the drive thru, serve food to customers, open doors, clean tables, refresh drinks/coffee, empty garbage, talk to the crowd, and work the room.

We receive 15% of total sales from both drive thru and dine-in for these 3 hr blocks. No flyers are required.  Students can perform on the patio and grass (instruments & flags), as many kids that can fit out on the patio to play during this time, and have a tip jar present. This would be in addition to jars inside.  The first event earned almost $600 including tips.  Please CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up.

URGENT Kroger Community Rewards Renewal – It’s time for the annual re registration of Kroger cards to our Upbeat number.  EVERYONE who has registered their card with Kroger needs to re register to our Upbeat Community Rewards number in order for the band to continue to receive credit past 5/1/13.  Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to re register your card.  Please do this by 4/30.  Upbeat will be at the 4/22 concert at 6pm with computers to help with registrations.

Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to register your Kroger Plus Card to benefit the Lakota West Bands.  This past quarter, the Kroger Community Rewards program sent a check for $3108 to the Lakota West Bands just because you have linked your Kroger Plus Cards to the Lakota West Bands.  This is indeed the easiest fundraiser for the band.  The more families that register their Kroger Plus Card, it’s likely we can increase our quarterly amount as well.

Because the current Kroger Chair’s student is a senior, we are looking for someone to take over the Kroger Card Chairperson duties (after 7 years!).  The duties are outlined HERESuzanne can talk to anyone in person about time commitments for this. (Time commitments for this are much less than in the past. The new Community Rewards Program has taken away a lot of work from the Chairperson)

Macy’s spirit wear and MB uniforms/pillows — Need a graduation gift?  Upbeat will be at the 4/22 concert offering Macy’s spirit wear, MB uniform parts, and MB uniform pillows for sale.  Stop by to shop and register your Kroger card.

Marching Band Scholarships — Lakota West families looking for assistance with their student’s marching band fees are encouraged to apply for grant consideration. Upbeat Club money is set aside each year from fundraisers and donations to cover 1/2 of the marching band fee assessed to students participating in the Lakota West Marching Band, including Color Guard.  This need based scholarship opportunity is for students in grades 9-12.  Families interested in this scholarship must submit an application per student to Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org. A limited number of scholarships are available. The deadline for consideration for the 2013 marching season is May 24, 2013.  Please CLICK HERE for more info and to access the application.  *All applications must be submitted by the deadline date.

New Upbeat Officers — Congratulations to the newly elected Upbeat officers:  Secretary — Jill Trygier, VP — Dave Bubash, and President — Sue Tanner.  We are still in need of a Treasurer, Freshman VP, and Video Crew/DVD & Kroger owners for next year.  If you are interested, please contact Malinda Anderson at malindap1@netzero.net    Due  to the conflict with the Freshman concert, the next Upbeat meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 28 at 7:30 in the band room.

PAYMENTS & TRIPS — The following payments are due 4/30:  MB fees #2, Macy’s followers #2, and Macy’s student #4.  Please make payments promptly so that we can meet our payment schedule with Gateway.  Due to the large number of travelers and money involved with Macy’s, the Upbeat club will be following Gateway’s cancellation policies concerning any cancelled trips (follower or student).  The penalties will be incurred as follows for cancelling after the following dates:  7/22 (25% of total trip cost), 8/15 (50%), 9/19 (75%), 11/3 (100%).  Trip insurance is available through Gateway.  If you are interested please contact Dave Bubash at parade@lakotawestbands.org

URGENT BRAVO DVD orders – We have been having trouble with the BRAVO (only) link to order DVDs and every DVD that had been ordered had been refunded.  We finally figured out the problem and the link is fixed as of 4/9.  Currently ONE BRAVO DVD is ordered (Keiser).  If you intended to order a BRAVO DVD, please go back to the link and reorder.    The date to place an order has been EXTENDED to May 23, 2013 for all DVDs.  To place your order, please CLICK HERE.  If you want to be sure your EMPIRE DVD is ordered please CLICK HERE for a list of orders we have received.