Upbeat Updates 7/18 – (MB fees, band camp, need nurses, uniform fitting, followers trip, silver trumpet for sale)

MB PAYMENTS – There has been some confusion about our new 2 fee structure.  The only fee for which a student should be making payments is the BC13 Upbeat Club Band Camp 2013 “trip” listed in Charms.  This fee is $185.  If you have already paid at least $185 your balance should be $0 and no further payment is due to Upbeat in Charms.  If you show a balance (many still have a $35 balance due), please pay only the balance shown in charms by JULY 28th.  Please check your balance before making any payments to this trip so you do not create a “credit” that will have to be moved to your Macy’s trip.  This creates extra work for our treasurer.  CLICK HERE for a guide on how to make payments.

The Lakota school district will be charging a $365 MB participation fee starting this year.  Any amount you had in your account >$185 was moved out of your band camp account and sent to the district in your student’s name.  You will only be charged the balance of the $365 fee.  The amount transferred to the district and amount you will be credited is shown at the bottom of your Charms account.  Please do NOT make any payments to this trip as this money is due to the district now.  If you have any questions about your Upbeat fee or credit for the district fee please email our treasurer, Monica Siegert at finance@lakotawestbands.org

Marching Band News —”Something’s Coming,” that’s right, band camp 2013!  11 days until the West Side Story marching season begins!  CLICK HERE to get all the documents you need to complete and bring to pre camp.  See you July 29th with your forms!  Send your band camp questions to Harold Mylius at bandcamp@lakotawestbands.org

Band Camp 911 – Calling all nurses, first responders, or anyone trained in first aid.  We are in need of a few volunteers to be “first aiders” and “nurses” for band camp during the week and also for competitions.  Every season we have 3-4 volunteers that work out a schedule and rotate duties.  If you are willing and able to help in this important function please contact Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org  or Harold Mylius at bandcamp@lakotawestbands.org

Uniform Fitting Week help needed —  We still need a few more volunteers during afternoons of pre camp week.  The biggest needs are on Wed & Thur afternoon.  On these days we (re) fit students for summer uniforms, marching shoes, gloves, etc.; check paypal/charms receipts or collect payment; and issue red bags and any items paid for.  Please CLICK HERE to sign up to help or to contact Cindy for more info.

We are working to get the web site payment pages back up to make it easier to pre pay for the uniform items on fitting day through Paypal.  The page will be found under the “Finances” drop down, “Fees and Uniform Items.”  You will select the items you want to put in your cart through the appropriate drop down menus one at a time, and once finished selecting and updating quantites, pay for all the items together in one payment.

Macy’s Followers Trip – 3 slots for the follower’s package have recently become available.  If you are interested in 1 or more, please contact Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org   We would really like to fill the last slots to keep the cost flat.

(Used) Silver Trumpet for Sale – As we prepare for Macys, silver trumpets are encouraged.  Upbeat has purchased some for use by those that don’t already own.  Here is an opportunity to purchase from a recent Lakota grad:

Silver Bach Stradivarius purchased Dec 2002, one family owner.  Only used for concert band at Lakota West High School from 2002-2006 and 2009 – 2011.  Includes a tuner, 3 mutes (Straight and cup)  and size 3C, 7C mouth pieces, trumpet stand, and original case.  Asking price: $1600.00 (current list price is $2700.00)  Contact Debbie Ostendorf at  513.779.1753  or wostendorf1@cinci.rr.com