Upbeat Updates 8/23 – (Scrip, tag day, uniforms, Macys, MB, Freshmen)

September Scrip orders due noon Friday 9/6 –  Don’t forget to start ordering Scrip gift cards if you haven’t been in the habit to start building the band’s general trip account. Macy’s is right around the corner and wouldn’t it be nice to have money in the trip account to offset the cost of the trip for every student?  Here is what you need to do:

  • Ask friends and family to order gift cards that they will use anyway to purchase fast food, fine dining or use at department stores. They receive full value for the amount paid and an extra percentage (1-18% per retailer) is provided to the general trip account.
  • Fill out the order form including all student information and phone number and send the completed form with payment to the SCRIP program coordinator.  We have a new Scrip coordinator so please note this on the form.
  • For a copy of the order form and complete details concerning the SCRIP program CLICK HERE.
  • The deadline for orders this month is September 3, 2013  if you mail your order, and noon September 6th if you drop it off.

Tag Day (80) Adult Drivers Needed! –  Saturday 9/7  8am – 1pm, Enjoy a morning drive/walk with 4-6 teens.  This is the band’s biggest fundraiser and requires the most volunteers.  As of 8/22 we have 61 drivers and we need up to 80 to cover all the routes.  We need you!  CLICK HERE to learn more or to sign up to volunteer.  It’s a great way to get to know fellow band parents and students.

Concert Uniform Fitting help needed —  We need 6 volunteers each day during the school day and Saturday 9/11-14.  No particular skill or experience is necessary  Please CLICK HERE to sign up to help or to contact Cindy for more info.

MACYS PAYMENTS — Please check all of your account balances in Charms and make payments promptly so that we can meet our payment schedule with Gateway.  CLICK HERE for a guide on how to make payments directly in Charms so they will post faster and without requiring human intervention, the treasurer thanks you!

  • Macy’s student/chaperone trip payment #8 ($100) is due 8/31.
  • $750 of the trip balance should be paid by 8/31.
  • The followers bus will cost $130 per person and payment is now being collected in your Charms account. There are still seats available on the followers bus.  CLICK HERE to sign up.  You don’t have to purchase the followers package to ride the bus.

Marching Band — the updated handbook and schedule have been posted to the website.

Freshman band registration – Freshmen need to get registered in Charms and buy their Tshirt for Freshman night 9/6 when they take the field with the Marching Firebirds and Tag Day 9/7.  Please CLICK HERE to go to the web site and follow the 4 step process before school starts.  It takes a week to get your account in Charms set up so please don’t procrastinate.  Other than “freshman night,” freshmen do not march until their sophomore year.  Freshman parents are encouraged to get involved with Tag Day.  Please CLICK HERE to learn more or to sign up to volunteer.