OPPORTUNITIES — calling your name (?)

Speaking of opportunities of all sizes, we still have several open for students, parents, alumni, YOU!

The Union Centre Music and Food Festival parking lot opportunity is ON!  We have filled nearly all of the shifts for Saturday 9/29, just a few more slots need to be filled mostly from 1pm – 11pm (~15 person min).  We need a lot more help on Friday 9/28 during the homecoming football game.  This unexpected, simple fundraiser has the potential to be as big as half a Tag Day (or more) with very little effort and no expense to band parents.  All of the lots are in the West Chester Square area.  Bring a lawn chair, snacks, dancing shoes, enjoy the music, and bond with your fellow lot workers while you’re out there collecting the money.  If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for a 3 hour shift.  CLICK HERE for more information or to sign up.

The video/DVD crew could use several new members, especially from parents of non-seniors.  This rarely seen, but very special group provides an extremely valuable service to the band.  They operate the cameras that take video footage of concerts and marching band shows.  This footage is used to make the end of season DVD for band families, but also allows the band to create the entries for opportunities like the Macy’s and Rose parades.  Training is provided, you get a fantastic view, and your own “press credentials.”  If you are interested or have any questions please contact Bob Pritchett at DVD@lakotawestbands.org or (513) 225-6645.