Things to Know for this Week

IMPORTANT for all parents and guardians – Please park only in marked parking spots at both freshman and main campus parking lots. This is extremely important not only for ease of traffic flow for parents/guardians and the many trucks and equipment we move in and out of places, but for the safety of all our students! The only exception is the line of cars at the freshman campus that can be created when rehearsals are at freshman campus. No parking past this area if spots are not marked. On Friday nights at main campus after the game, there is NO PARKING along the curb to pick up students. Please park in a spot and walk to the area outside the band room if necessary. Thank you for adhering to our parking lot safety rules and please share this with all those not on this distribution that drop off or pick up students at either campus.
Rehearsal Schedule
Our practice schedule has some changes this year, so please review recent Charms emails outlining the plan for weekly rehearsals. Please refer to our calendar for up to date times and locations of all rehearsals and events – Calendar Link
Friday Activity Bus
Freshman Families – There is an activity bus that goes from the Freshman building to the High School after school. You could use that to get to the high school on Fridays of home games (like this Friday!). Students must sign up weekly at lunch when they want to ride it. If they bring their red bag to school, they can drop it in the band room till after school. More information to come from the Directors for Friday Night’s Homecoming Game!
Volunteer Opportunities

Pit Crew
This group of amazing parents/guardians help move equipment and build props. Sounds like work, but they have a blast doing it and they eat pretty well too! Contact or if interested or want to give it a try.
Utah BOA Trip Chaperones
Applications are due Monday, August 30 to or Link to Application
Refreshments at Football Games, and 50/50 Raffle at Home Games
Marching Firebirds Refreshments Signup
Signups will also be posted on our volunteer page. Link to Volunteer page.
Fund Raising

What could be better? A donation to an outstanding marching band program with a chance to win money?! That’s awesome! The more you sell, the more chances you have to win AND the more profits towards the Utah Trip and the Truck Fund! Drawings begin September 1st and go the entire month. All purchased raffle tickets MUST be turned in by the beginning of practice on Monday, August 30th! No late entries will be accepted. Be sure to check social media for the winners AND be sure that names are written clearly on the slips so they are easy to read! Good Luck!
Please refer to the helpful email that came out 8/13 detailing the fund raiser.
Spiritwear store is open for business only through August 29, 11:59pm. At this point the store closes, prepares orders, and sets up scheduled pickup times usually on Thursday during rehearsals. The Spiritwear store is only open a couple times during the season, so shop now!
Upbeat Club Store
Our new Upbeat Club store ‘the music box’ is also open for business. This will remain open throughout the season and beyond with products being added and removed as inventory allows, so check back often! Our Yard Signs are on sale through Sept 5 only, so that the orders can be turned around quickly.
Mattress Sale
We will be having our Mattress Sale Fund Raiser with Lakota West Cheer once again and our date is October 23. Please let friends and family know our date if they are in the market for a mattress this fall!