Upbeat Meeting

Our next Upbeat meeting is Thursday 1/20 at 6:30. We will be meeting over ZOOM this month as opposed to meeting in person.
Join Zoom Meeting via link below:
Meeting ID: 820 5424 3432
Passcode: 871535
More info including agenda, minutes and financial reports to be reviewed, are on our Upbeat web page – https://lakotawestbands.org/support/lakota-west-upbeat-parent-booster-club/
Solo & Ensemble Contest for District 13

Lakota West Bands is honored to once again host Solo & Ensemble Contest for District 13. It will take place on Saturday 1/29/22 from 8am – 5pm at Main Campus. We need many parent and student volunteers to help make this day go successful for all students, as well as the judges. We anticipate over 700 events taking place on appx 12 ‘stages’ at Lakota West this day. Please consider a shift or two, we would appreciate the help!
Signup here – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090548afab2da20-solo2
District 13 Honor Bands

Congratulations to all the students performing with the OMEA District 13 Honor Bands! A weekend of intense rehearsals and performances make for an amazing experience for both participants and audience members alike!
Program for Concert Bands – https://qrco.de/bcTzpE
OMEA All State Band, Orchestra and Jazz Band

Congratulations to our students selected for OMEA All State this year! The OMEA Convention will take place in Cleveland this year over the weekend of February 4, 2022. The experience of rehearsing and performing with the best of the best, will be life changing for many who participate. The performances promise to be unforgettble! Congratulations!