Please also refer to emails sent through Charms by Mr. Carr.
Monday & Tuesday 1-9:30
Uniform Fittings (6-9pm) – Freshman Building
While students are already on campus, we will be fitting them for their uniforms. We will need parent help at a variety of stations. All volunteers are welcome, all instructions are provided, and no sewing required! Join us for a fun time with the band and color guard, and a great way to meet other parents! – link to sign up.
Please refer to this document for complete details.
- Parents, please send a form of payment with your student or you may come to fittings to pay but please stay in the hallway. You may pay with credit card, cash or check made out to Lakota West Upbeat Club.
- Items for purchase include:
- Long Sleeve Uniform Show Shirt- to be purchased by all marchers ($68)
- Drillmaster marching band shoes ($36)-sized during camp
- Marching Gloves ($3/pair, recommend purchasing 3 pairs)
- Summer Uniform Polos ($18)
- Berets for Sousaphone Players ($32)
- Drum Major Gloves ($4/pair) and Polos ($35)
- Color Guard Everjazz shoes ($39)
- Cleaning Fee ($10)
3rd Q refreshments
During football games, we provide refreshments to our band and the visiting band (if there is one). We ask our parents to donate those refreshments and we collect them during uniform fitting nights. We ask each family to donate two full-size packages of cookies (non-frosted) and two 2-liter of
lemonade or clear soda (no cola, red or orange)
These can be brought with students on Monday or Tuesday morning, dropped off when they get picked up in the evenings or brought with parents to uniform fittings.
Calendar Fundraiser
We will be kicking off our calendar fundraiser on Tuesday (tentatively). Please be on the lookout for more information. Students will be hearing more about it during camp and information will be emailed to parents separately.
Wednesday 1-4:30 practice and DCI Show
More details regarding DCI show should be provided in Charms email from Mr. Carr
DCI Show: Students will be traveling as a group, on buses, to Centerville for a Drum Corps International (DCI) Show. Students should eat dinner prior to returning to the school. Food trucks have been available in the past at the show if students want to bring some money.
We will use Remind to alert parents when students are due back to the Freshman school for pickup. If you are not already signed up for Remind, text @lwmb2022 to 81010.
Thursday & Friday 1-9:30
Dinner plans all week
Dinner breaks will occur at 5:00 every day with the same rules as Week 1 of camp – students are NOT permitted to leave the premises but can have dinner dropped off to them.
PLEASE take note of safety concerns – Waiting in line or trying to squeeze into a temporary space close to the building entry doors and the band trucks creates a very dangerous situation for our students. Please park your vehicle and walk into the building to deliver food or have your child come out to your parking spot instead of waiting for them in vehicles by the doors.
Food Drive
The collection of items for Reach Out Lakota has been extended. Send in items through August 5th.
Videotaping and recording of rehearsals or performances
Taking videos of rehearsals or football game performances are fine but sharing them on a public site is not, it is copyright infringement and could get the band, school or you in legal trouble.
The Director will share a private link on occasion of performances that you may share privately. Please also share these important rules with anyone you share it with.
Tag Day save the date
All band students and a lot of parent help will be needed on Saturday, August 27. More information to come but please block out the date from 10am-2pm.