Please refer to the email that was sent on Monday, 9/6 through Charms for full details from Mr. Carr.
All details regarding schedules can also be found on the band calendar HERE.
Football Game Tonight is a normal run for Marching Band. No tickets sold at gate so be sure to order online HERE if you’re planning on attending.
Tomorrow (Saturday 9/10) is Camp Day | 9am-9pm | Freshman Campus. See details in Monday 9/6 email through Charms.
Regular practices throughout the week with Guard, Percussion and Winds in full uniform during Monday 9/12 practice. Friday 9/16 is a Full-Dress Rehearsal Stadium Practice.
We are asking for parents to come out in full force on Monday (9/12) and Friday (9/16) for the last hour of practice to cheer loud for our kids as they prepare for their first competition at Obetz. Both practices will be at the Main Campus stadium.
COMPETITION 9/17 | BOA Obetz – more information to come later in the week through Charms regarding schedules. Upbeat Club will be providing a pasta dinner to the students but they are asking for donations of desserts and paper goods. Please sign up HERE.
Upbeat Club Meeting | Thursday 9/15 | 6:30pm | Freshman Campus – See Agenda HERE

Looking for a few more Volunteers:

Competition Bus Chaperones – 9/17 to BOA Obetz and 10/29 to Centerville
Uniform Help – Symphonic Winds Fittings (9/20) and Symphonic Winds Alterations (9/20-10/10) – no experience is necessary and minimal sewing skills required.
Donations for Obetz dinner – looking for paper goods and desserts
LAST CHANCE for Proud Parent Tees
Spiritwear store will close on Wednesday 9/14 at 8pm with items being delivered before the St. Louis trip. Last round of orders should be delivered soon, look for communication regarding pickup to come soon.
Calendar Raffle Winners 
The daily drawings of our calendar raffle continues, the winners are announced daily on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and also posted here weekly.
Congratulations to our winners:
- September 1 ($750): Louise Morman (Oxford, OH) sold by Madeline Kirkmeyer (also the winner of $100)
- September 2 ($100): Melissa Reasor Wildwood, GA) sold by Olivia Negrete
- September 3 ($100): Deanna Murcko (West Chester, OH) sold by Tommy Shebesta
- September 4 ($100): Tanner Brown (West Chester, OH) sold by Nathan Strittholt
- September 5 ($100): Gabrielle Davis (Liberty Township, OH) sold by Aycha Bautista
- September 6 ($100): Gladys Howell (Fairfield Township, OH) sold by Iyla Gustin
- September 7 ($100): Joan Wysong (Kettering, OH) sold by Bonny Kirkmeyer
- September 8 ($750): Bryan Wallace (West Chester, OH) sold by Joshua Wallace (also the winner of $100))
- September 9 ($100): Tracy Henderson (West Chester, OH) sold by Tyler Henderson
All students and chaperones should be registered and paid their first installment. The second installments are due on Thursday, September 15.
The trip page of the website will be updated as information becomes available.
Please refer to THIS PAGE of the website regarding Uniforms – what is needed, how to wear, what to pack in red bags, etc.
Leadership teams should have shared with the students about an incentive offered by the uniform crew (aka Mother Pluckers) for the game tonight, ask them about it. They should have also been reminded of some rules about wearing the uniforms – clean shaven, no jewelry, no makeup, no eating in uniform, etc. Please have your students refresh themselves as uniforms were returned in not-great condition after wearing them last.
Thank you for all of the support you provide to our band and our students!