We hope you had, and are having, a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving Holiday with loved ones!
Taste of Music
City BBQ | VOA| November 30 | 11am-9pm

Krispy Kreme | Any location | THROUGH December 17

Congratulations to 2023 Winter Guard Members:

A schedule of their performances will be posted on our band calendar on our website once available. We’re looking forward to another great season watching these talented performers!
Winter Jazz Festival
Thursday, Dec. 1 | East Main Campus Theater | 6-8:30pm

Swing Dance

Purchase tickets, or donate, HERE.
Signup to Volunteer HERE.
Volunteer Needs 
Uniforms – Did you take uniforms or parkas home to wash? Please return them to Main Campus Band Room on November 28 between 6-8pm.
Jazz N Cakes – Want to help the planning committee? The first meeting will occur in December. If interested, please email pancake@lakotawestbands.org.
Concert Uniforms – Now is a great time to join as there is still the opportunity to shadow the current lead. Please email concertuniforms@lakotawestbands.org.
Swing Dance – Sign up HERE – Help is needed before the dance for set-up and decorating, during for selling tickets & concessions and after for take-down and clean up.
Our Website
Do you know what you can find on our website? In addition to the calendar and spirit shop, there is SO much more! So much more that there is too much to tell you in one post. We will be featuring a different section in the upcoming weeks. This first week, we want to introduce:
A list of private lesson instructors & accompanists – you can find this list under resources on the home page.
This list is valuable to you if your student is looking for additional instruction on an instrument. With solo & ensemble approaching, your student will need to secure their own accompanist and you can find a list on this page as well.
If you see any errors, please send an email to communications@lakotawestbands.org.