Swing Dance Information
Friday 12/9 | 7-10pm | Main Campus Cafe
All are welcome – Family friendly

How do I buy tickets?

What do I wear?

Donations requested:


This is a fun, family friendly, community event that we hope you will attend. In addition to the opportunity to socialize with our band family, the proceeds of your ticket purchase will be used to adopt a Lakota family to help make their Holidays a little brighter.
If you have any questions pertaining to the event, please email jazzdance@lakotawestbands.org.
Taste of Music
Krispy Kreme | Any location | THROUGH December 17
Order online, pickup in store when you’re ready, a portion of your purchase comes back to our band program.

Jazz N Cakes – Want to help the planning committee? The first meeting will occur in December. If interested, please email pancake@lakotawestbands.org.
Concert Uniforms – Now is a great time to join as there is still the opportunity to shadow the current lead. Please email concertuniforms@lakotawestbands.org.
Swing Dance – Sign up HERE – Help is needed before the dance for set-up and decorating, during for selling tickets & concessions and after for take-down and clean up.
Upbeat Club Meetings
There is not a December meeting, we hope you will join us on January 19th at 6:30pm in the Main Campus Band Room.
In addition to the list of private instructors & accompanists we shared last week, did you know you can also find a list of Music Camp & Performance Opportunities? On the same page there is a list of Music Associations and Organizations, Music Stores, a link to a Metronome and more.
From the Home Page, click on Resources, and then Helpful Links, Ensembles, Camps, and more on the right side of the page.