Hawaii Trip Informational Meeting | Monday 1/23 | 6pm | West Freshman Theater OR Livestream (will also be available for playback)

Symphonic Winds Concert | Thursday 1/26 | 7pm | West Clermont

Volunteer Opportunities 
Concert Band Uniforms – We are looking for someone, or a couple of people, to coordinate Symphonic Winds uniforms which consists of the distribution, collection and maintenance of. This will be for the ’23-’24 school year but looking for someone to join now to shadow the current lead.
Sponsorships – Looking for someone to assist in carrying out sponsorship commitments. Would also love someone to be able to sell but more immediate need is with following through with current sponsors.
If you are interested in any of the above or something not listed or not sure where your talents fit in, email president@lakotwestbands.org. We would love to help you get connected.
In addition to our outstanding photography team, we also have an incredible tech team. Our Tech Team keeps our YouTube page filled with video content. We have past concerts, parades, promo videos and more. In addition to posting videos for future viewing, they also make sure we can view in real time with live feeds. Thank you to our tech team for another priceless gift!
A link to the YouTube page can be found on the homepage, see photo below, or by going to Lakota West Bands – YouTube.

Look for information coming next week regarding Symphonic Winds Farewell Concert and Winter Guard Competitions.
Have a great week!