We’re off to a great start! Thank you for being flexible with the change in location. All involved feel this was the best move and we’re excited about the opportunities that being at Main Campus can provide to us. As you saw, there are a variety of ways we communicate last minute changes: emails are sent, posts are made on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter, we’ll use Remind if we feel it’s necessary and the calendar is always updated with any changes.

Just a side note: Quite often, sections will have requirements that the band is not aware of. Please always refer to what your child’s section has requested. They may call extra practices, they may request your student arrive earlier than what the band has asked, etc. The Upbeat Club may not be privy to that information and therefore will not update calendars or include in announcements & emails. Communication between sections is shared directly with your student using the GroupMe app. If your child does not have access to their sections GroupMe, please have them reach out to their section leader.

This week:

Monday-Friday | Pre-Camp | 1-9pm | MAIN CAMPUS | ALL Marching Band Students

Wednesday 7/26 | Leadership Training for Leadership Team

**Make sure your student either brings dinner with them or has arranged to have dinner dropped off at 5pm each day.**

Band Camp Volunteers Needed

Please considering joining us, it’s fun!

Monday 7/24

  • 12:30-1pm * tent & water set-up (1of 2 slots needed)
  • 12:45-4:45 * first aid & general help (1of 2 slots needed)

Tuesday 7/25

  • 12:45-4:45 * first aid & general help (2 of 2 slots needed)

Thursday 7/27

  • 12:30-1pm * tent & water set-up (2 of 2 slots needed)

Friday 7/28

  • 12:45-4:45 * first aid & general help (1 of 2 slots needed)

The 12:45-4:45 First Aid Shift “directions” that were sent out:
-The students will be inside during this time.
-This session you will be in the old jazz room off the band room.
-The first aid kit and a cooler of ice will be located in the room.
-Bring a book or something to do as there is often down time.

Consider sitting with us for a few hours, or any hours you can, making sure our students are safe.

Water / Tent Set Up:
-Meet by the band room doors
-We will get the gator from the red shed and deliver tents and tables to the blacktop field closest to the band room (not the new field).  Tables can be set up in “front” of the field closest to the school.
-Tables (4) need to be set up.  Students will put up the tents when the get outside.
-Put a table in the “front” of the field for first aid for the second half of the day along with a tent.
-Fill up the water jugs with ice and water (by the concession stand).
-Deliver two water jugs to each of the 4 tables.
-Deliver one water jug to the hallway in between the choir room and the band room.
-Deliver one water jug to the auxiliary gym.
-Fill up a cooler of ice and deliver to the old jazz band room for first aid.

There will be other volunteers there to assist.


Thank you to our amazing photography team, we can follow along with band camp (& all band related events) even if we can’t be there. Check out our Flickr site for photos.

Upcoming Event to Keep on Your Radar:

Monthly Tailgate | Friday 7/28 | 6:30-8 | Grassy Area Outside Band Room (more details below)

Ice Cream Social | Sunday 7/30 | 6-8pm | Main Campus

Lakota West Invitational | September 16

Lakota West Bands will be hosting our FIRST MSBA Band Competition and we are asking for some assistance in organizing this fun day! Katie Dixon & Jessica Hansbauer have graciously volunteered to take on the lead roles and they have broken down portions of the event planning in order to make it more manageable for all involved. Below you will find a list of the leadership descriptions, if you have any desire to take one of these on, please reach out. Feel free to pair up with a friend or 2 as well. There will be a lot of guidance leading you along the way.

We will be asking for volunteers later on to assist the day of.

Leadership Descriptions

  1. Volunteer Coordinator – Manage/Oversee and find volunteers for front end ticketing, cash collecting, wristband distribution and split the pot.
  2. Student Volunteer Coordinator – Manage/Oversee and find student volunteers for water stations, stamping students when they arrive and the welcome/check-in tent.
  3. Hospitality Room – Manage/Oversee, find volunteers and create sign up genius for food for the hospitality room (serves bus drivers and directors).
  4. Judges Dinner Coordinator – Coordinate with LWMB directors about judges’ food options,
    getting judges’ food orders, picking up and delivering dinner to the judges.

Current Leadership Roles

  1. Event Leads- Katie Dixon and Jessica Hansbauer
  2. Concessions-Kendra Saylor and Shirley Braden
  3. Traffic Coordinator-Ray Bramblett
  4. Sponsorships/Donations-Michelle Rowe
  5. Vendor Coordinator-Sarah VanAs and Holly Burgess

If you have any questions or would like further information, please reach out to Katie (ktdixon@gmail.com) or Jessica (jessicahansbauer@gmail.com).

Monthly Tailgate

Join us as we start a new tradition! A monthly tailgate for parents!

Similar to Thursday nights in the past where parents could sit in the stadium and watch the band, this year we will have the stadium on Friday nights and we’re hoping to get more parents involved.

Join us on the grassy area outside of the band room from 6:30-8pm on Friday 7/28. At 8, we will head to the stadium to watch the band finish practice.

We encourage you to bring your favorite dessert for “Sweet Sounds and Sweets” to share. You can bring your dinner as well if you’d like.

Additional Tailgates will be August 18, September 15 & October 20 – details will be shared once available.