TONIGHT | Playoff Football Game | Same plan as last week
TOMORROW 11/4 | MSBA Championships | 12-3:30 at West | 4:40 Meet at Mason | 6:30 PERFORMANCE | 9:30 Dismissed
TOMORROW 11/4 | Kenworthy Scholarship applications due to Mr. Carr
Monday 11/6 | Hawaii Rehearsal 4-5:30 | Hawaii Guard Rehearsal 5-7pm | Main Campus
Wednesday 11/8 | Marching Band Concert & Awards | 7-8 pm | Main Campus
Thursday 11/9 | Hawaii Rehearsal | 4-5:30 | West Main Campus
Thursday 11/9 | Hawaii Medication drop off night | 4-6pm | Main Campus Clinic (LAST EVENING DROP OFF AVAILABLE)
Hawaii News
FINAL DAY to drop off medications and paperwork is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 at 3:30pm! NO late submissions will be accepted. If medication isn’t dropped off by 3:30 on 11/10, your child will not have medication during the trip. Find information and forms HERE.
Please refer to the Band app for full details regarding some medication updates listed below:
- A few OTC medications will be provided by the nurses. Please refer to the OTC form for a list of medications. Form will still need to be submitted.
- Update Final Forms to show emergency contact and allergy information
- Deadline for controlled substances will be the 17th since access to these medications is harder to obtain. Forms are still due asap!
- No liquid medications
- No Multi-vitamins
Trip Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 13 at 6pm in West Main campus cafeteria. This is open to East & West parents & students
More information will be coming soon regarding transportation information to the airport, packing lists & guidelines, and so much more.
Trip Shirts are now available
Find your trip shirts HERE and enter code LWMBHT23 in ‘YOUR SCHOOL’S E-FLYER CODE’ space. Lot’s of styles and lots of options. Final day to order is November 12 so you’ll have before the trip.
Help Needed
Marching Uniform Turn-In | Wednesday 11/8 | 8-9:30pm
- We need help getting all of the uniforms checked back in. Students will give you back one of their uniform pieces and you will check their name off the list. Thank you!
Own a piece of unXplained!
Wraps ($10) and Plumes ($10) will be available for purchase on Wednesday evening as well as old Shakos ($5). Senior Banners ($10) will also be available for purchase. We’re working on Guard prices.
Winter Guard
Congratulations to our Varsity and Junior Varsity Winter Guard Members!
We are extremely excited to see their performances this year!
Winter Guard Fundraiser
To help with expenses, there is a ‘Sponsor-A-Day’ fundraiser happening for November!
Select one or more days* from the calendar to sponsor – your donation will be the dollar value corresponding to the date(s) selected. For example, choose the 10th, and your donation is $10. Choose the 5th and the 10th and your donation is $5 + $10 = $15.
* Each day can be sponsored once for JV and once for Varsity. Once that day has a sponsor for each team, it is no longer available to select.
Purchase your day(s) through our website HERE. Updated calendars will be posted to our Facebook page daily.
Thank you to the following families for their Support: Bernthal, Bramblett, Conn and Feagley for sponsoring a day (or more).
Save the Dates
Final Hawaii medication drop off | Friday 11/10
Hawaii Informational Meeting | Monday 11/13
Plains Jr. Band Concert | Thursday 11/16
Upbeat Club Meeting | Thursday 11/16
Hawaii Send-off Performance | Monday 11/20
Swing Dance | Friday 12/8
Congratulations Lang!
We are so proud of Lang Chen! Read why HERE.