Always refer to the Directors Weekly Memo for full details!

Click the graphic or find the link on our website HERE.

If there are any questions, it is recommended that students reach out to their section leaders FIRST!
Answers can also be found on our website, in our Handbook and the Directors Weekly Memo.
Did you know we have a photography team that is on site everyday during camp and at every event? Get a behind the scenes look of band camp on our Flickr Site. You’re even able to download images. It’s a priceless gift and we can’t thank our photography team enough!
If you’re interested in joining the photography team, reach out to photos@lakotawestbands.org.

Don’t forget to follow our social media for more content and updates. – handle for all platforms is @lakotawestbands
Come see us at camp!
We invite our families to attend camp at anytime to watch the progression of the season, you’ll be amazed how it all comes together.
We invite you to join us on Friday, 7/26, at 8pm to meet with other parents and enjoy the last hour of rehearsal.
Host Family Sought
CIEE seeks a host family for a 17-year-old male student from Belgium for the 2024-25 school year. His interests include carpentry, basketball, and saxophone among other sports and activities. If this is an opportunity that excites you, email lwupbeat@gmail.com – we’ll connect you with the organizer! You can find information about CIEE on their website HERE.