Several emails have been sent through Charms this week.
*Monday 9/12 references the schedule for Obetz tomorrow (subject line: “Obetz Regional Saturday Schedule 9/17”)
*Thursday 9/15 references trip information (subject line: “Important Medication Drop Off and Parent Meeting Info for St. Louis and Indianapolis”), also found HERE.
*Thursday 9/15 references next week schedules (subject line: “Final Info for tomorrow night and Next weeks Fri and Sat Schedule”)
All information is also detailed on specific days on the calendar HERE.

The information you need for the Obetz competition tomorrow can be found on their website HERE and details pertaining to the schedule for our students can be found on our calendar HERE.
Take Note:
- Obetz is an outdoor facility, spectators should plan accordingly. (St. Louis & Indianapolis are indoor facilities)
- Clear bags only permitted (BOA guidelines)
- Water will be provided by Upbeat Club for our students and volunteers
- We suggest students pack snacks
- Students have an opportunity to eat lunch at 11am
- Dinner will be provided by Upbeat Club at 5pm for students and volunteers
- Accommodations have been made for predetermined gluten-free and allergies.
- Students won’t return home until 1:30am
- Although concessions are available, lines tend to be very long.
- Merchandise will be available for purchase
- Absolutely NO video recording (per BOA guidelines).
- We will have a videographer recording the performance and we will share a link to that recording once available.
- Taking of photos is allowed from stands only (NOT from the field)
- Messages will be sent through Remind after finals are announced as soon as we know if & when we will be performing again. Another message will be sent when we leave Obetz and know our expected arrival time back to the school. Please refer to THIS LINK to sign up for Remind if you haven’t already.
- Can’t make it to the show(s)? Watch online. See more details HERE.
A REMINDER REGARDING PICKUP: Please park in a marked parking spot while waiting for your student(s). Parking along the drives and not in a spot causes congestion and blockages for the buses and trucks which then causes delays in dismissing the students.
If you are worried about your student finding you, please park and you may stand by the band doors to find your student(s).
TONIGHT/FRIDAY – Stadium Practice – We are asking you to join us to cheer on our students in preparation for Obetz tomorrow. This will be a full uniform, full run through of the show just before 9pm.
SPIRITWEAR – Many Spirit Wear (All yard signs, window clings, car magnet, and stickers) will be available for pick up tonight near the stadium entrance from 7:45-8:30 pm and again at the end of rehearsal. If you picked up a spirit wear order last night and did not receive all of your items, please stop by again as there were several orders with two bags of items for the same order and only one bag was picked up. Hall of Fame Apparel continues to work on one of our biggest spirit wear sales ever, and there are about 20 orders that will not be ready until next week. Watch for communication on pick up of these items next week!
OBETZ DINNER DONATIONS – THANK YOU so much to everyone who signed up to donate desserts and paper goods for our Obetz dinner! Please drop off all donations either TONIGHT from 8-9 pm near the stadium entrance when you come to cheer on our amazing kids OR TOMORROW at 10am at the band room when your child arrives for rehearsal.
Refer to the calendar or an email sent on 9/15 for the weekly schedule and specific details regarding the Football Game on 9/23, including 8th Grade Night, and the OMEA Hamilton competition on 9/24.

2nd installments for the trip were due yesterday. There are still a few students who haven’t registered. Please reach out to Mr. Celek (colin.celek@lakotaonline.com) if assistance is needed.
The trip page of the website is being updated as new information becomes available.
Medication turn in will be on Tuesday, September 27th from 4-6pm in the Main campus band room. (More information found HERE)
A Parent Meeting regarding both trips will be on Thursday, September 29th at 6:30pm in the theater at the freshman campus.

Uniform Help – Symphonic Winds Fittings (9/20) and Symphonic Winds Alterations (9/20-10/10) – no experience is necessary and minimal sewing skills required.
Tech Crew is looking for volunteers to run a camera at concerts. All equipment is provided.
Split the Pot crew is looking for a few others to help sell “Split the Pot” tickets during football games.
Upbeat Club is looking for a few positions to be filled:
- Taste of Music – this role will coordinate restaurant fundraiser nights
- Volunteer Meals – this role will coordinate (potluck) meals for volunteers during home football games and competitions as needed.
- Bus Chaperones – this role will coordinate bus chaperones for local competitions. Looking for someone to take over for next school year.
Please email president@lakotawestbands.org with questions or interest in any of the above. Full support and assistance will be provided for all positions.
Concert Uniforms & Attire
Symphonic Winds will be fitted for their uniforms next week, September 20.
For all concert groups, we suggest looking at THIS LINK to see the attire requirements for each group. Our first concert is 4 weeks away (October 18)
Calendar Raffle Winners 
The daily drawings of our calendar raffle winners continues, they are announced daily on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and also posted here weekly.
Congratulations to our winners:
- September 1 ($750): Louise Morman (Oxford, OH) sold by Madeline Kirkmeyer (also the winner of $100)
- September 2 ($100): Melissa Reasor Wildwood, GA) sold by Olivia Negrete
- September 3 ($100): Deanna Murcko (West Chester, OH) sold by Tommy Shebesta
- September 4 ($100): Tanner Brown (West Chester, OH) sold by Nathan Strittholt
- September 5 ($100): Gabrielle Davis (Liberty Township, OH) sold by Aycha Bautista
- September 6 ($100): Gladys Howell (Fairfield Township, OH) sold by Iyla Gustin
- September 7 ($100): Joan Wysong (Kettering, OH) sold by Bonny Kirkmeyer
- September 8 ($750): Bryan Wallace (West Chester, OH) sold by Joshua Wallace (also the winner of $100)
- September 9 ($100): Tracy Henderson (West Chester, OH) sold by Tyler Henderson
- September 10 ($100): Kim Beall sold by band member Matthew Nucerino
- September 11 ($100): Jennifer Harris of West Chester, OH sold by band member Kristine Sadler
- September 12 ($100): Siloe Pinacho of Hamilton, OH sold by band member Aaron Amador
- September 13 ($100): Jennifer Franklin sold by band member Jackson Franklin
- September 14 ($100): Katie Smiley of West Chester, OH sold by band member Natalie Radtke
- September 15 ($750): Sue Harrison of Southport, NC sold by band member Jillian Nowicki (also the winner of $100)
- September 16 ($100): Samantha Wood of West Chester, OH sold by band member Will Abonia
Thank you for all of the support you provide to our band and our students!