Freshman, Concert Band, Symphonic, and Jazz Band Uniform
For Gentleman:
- Black Dress Shoes (closed toe, Drill Masters are acceptable, no gym shoes)
- Long Black Socks (long, not crew or short socks, no logos visible). Socks should be long enough that no bare leg shows when student is sitting.
- Black Dress Pants/Slacks (no jeans or sweatpants)
- Black Belt (Plain)
- Black Button Down Dress Shirt (long sleeves, not polo)
- Tie (Long tie or bow tie is fine, any color allowed; black, white, and red preferable)
For Ladies:
- Black, closed toe dress shoes (some embellishments are fine, no strong colors, no sandals, top of foot should be covered)
- Socks/Hosiery (whatever is appropriate for the shoes you have chosen)
- Pants or Skirt (skirts should be below the knee when standing, leggings alone are not allowed)
- Black Blouse (many styles are acceptable, collars and lace are fine as long as they are black)
- Hair Bows/Accessories are fine as long as they are black/white/red/silver and don’t block views
Students may wear clothing traditionally assigned to the opposite gender. All students should choose the outfit that makes them comfortable, while giving the ensemble a cohesive look.
Symphonic Winds Uniform
For the gentlemen:
- White tuxedo shirt – students purchase on their own (one option is through Stage Accents). Should be white, wing-tip collar, pleated front.
- Black Cummerbund $10 – students order & pay uniform committee
- Black Bow Tie $5 – students order & pay uniform committee
- Black socks – students purchase on their own. Please make sure they come up high enough to cover bare legs when sitting. We do not have spares.
- Black Shoes (drill masters, dress shoe or other closed toe shoe. No sandals. Top of foot cannot be bare)
- Concert Tuxedo Jacket and Pants – provided by the school with a protective garment bag
For the ladies:
- Winds dress – provided by the school
- Pearl necklace is $8 – students order & pay uniform committee on Fitting Day.
- Black stockings (may use knee high style, but make sure tops do not show while sitting)
- Black shoes (closed toe, no sandals or flip-flops)
Questions? Please direct them to concertuniforms@lakotawestbands.org