Congratulations to our Marching Firebirds at the BOA Regional Championship!!!!

This Week for PARENTS
Support our Marching Firebirds at a Football game tonight and at a competition tomorrow. PLEASE NOTE OUR PERFORMANCE TIME HAS CHANGED TO 8:30pm. HERE is a link to the schedule.
St. Louis Chaperone meeting – Monday 9/26 | 7pm | Main campus band room
St. Louis Medication drop-off – Tuesday 9/27 | 4-6pm | Main campus band room
Parent meeting for both trips – Thursday 9/29 | 6:30pm | Freshman theater
This Week for STUDENTS
Football Game and Band Night Tonight – Click link for details
Practice and competition Saturday – clink link for timeline
Regular band rehearsals all week with Homecoming Football game Friday and Homecoming Saturday
Symphonic Winds Alterations (9/20-10/10) – no experience is necessary and minimal sewing skills required.
Tech Crew is looking for volunteers to run a camera at concerts. All equipment is provided.
Split the Pot crew is looking for a few others to help sell “Split the Pot” tickets during football games.
Upbeat Club is looking for a few positions to be filled:
- Taste of Music – this role will coordinate restaurant fundraiser nights
- Bus Chaperones Coordinator– this role will coordinate bus chaperones for local competitions. Looking for someone to take over for next school year.
Please email president@lakotawestbands.org with questions or interest in any of the above. Full support and assistance will be provided for all positions.
The trip page of the website is being updated as new information becomes available.
Medication turn in will be on Tuesday, September 27th from 4-6pm in the Main campus band room. (More information found HERE)
A Parent Meeting regarding both trips will be on Thursday, September 29th at 6:30pm in the theater at the freshman campus.
A Chaperone meeting for St. Louis will be Monday, September 26th at 7pm in the Main campus band room.
Upbeat Club Meetings
All past and upcoming meeting agendas, notes and financial reports can be found on our website HERE.
August Meeting Notes | August Financials
September Financials | September Meeting Notes will be posted as soon as available.
We invite everybody to join us at our Upbeat Club Meetings. The next one will be Thursday, October 20, 6:30pm in the Freshman band room.
Calendar Raffle Winners
The daily drawings of our calendar raffle winners continues, they are announced daily on social media and posted here weekly.
Congratulations to our winners:
- September 1 ($750): Louise Morman (Oxford, OH) sold by Madeline Kirkmeyer (also the winner of $100)
- September 2 ($100): Melissa Reasor Wildwood, GA) sold by Olivia Negrete
- September 3 ($100): Deanna Murcko (West Chester, OH) sold by Tommy Shebesta
- September 4 ($100): Tanner Brown (West Chester, OH) sold by Nathan Strittholt
- September 5 ($100): Gabrielle Davis (Liberty Township, OH) sold by Aycha Bautista
- September 6 ($100): Gladys Howell (Fairfield Township, OH) sold by Iyla Gustin
- September 7 ($100): Joan Wysong (Kettering, OH) sold by Bonny Kirkmeyer
- September 8 ($750): Bryan Wallace (West Chester, OH) sold by Joshua Wallace (also the winner of $100)
- September 9 ($100): Tracy Henderson (West Chester, OH) sold by Tyler Henderson
- September 10 ($100): Kim Beall sold by Matthew Nucerino
- September 11 ($100): Jennifer Harris (West Chester, OH) sold by Kristine Sadler
- September 12 ($100): Siloe Pinacho (Hamilton, OH) sold by Aaron Amador
- September 13 ($100): Jennifer Franklin sold by band member Jackson Franklin
- September 14 ($100): Katie Smiley (West Chester, OH) sold by Natalie Radtke
- September 15 ($750): Sue Harrison (Southport, NC) sold by Jillian Nowicki (also the winner of $100)
- September 16 ($100): Samantha Wood (West Chester, OH) sold by Will Abonia
- September 17 ($100): Jay Aun (West Chester, OH) sold by Melanie Aun
- September 18 ($100): Stacey Brown (Cumming, GA) sold by Russell Preston
- September 19 ($100): Libby Cox (Liberty Township, OH) sold by Cameron Cox
- September 20 ($100): Miriam Cotto (Hamilton, OH) sold by Aaron Amador
- September 21 ($100): Joe Webster (West Chester, OH) sold by Joey Webster
- September 22 ($750): Jennifer Harris (West Chester, OH) sold by Kristine Sadler (also the winner of $100)
- September 23 ($100): Sherry Weaver (Hamilton, OH) sold by Ryan Washing
Just 7 more days remaining. Will you be a winner???
Thank you for all of the support you provide to our band and our students!.