Always refer to emails sent through Charms for full weekly details.
Upcoming Football Games
9/2 – Lakota West takes on Sycamore at home – Band will NOT be attending.
9/9 – Lakota West takes on Oak Hills at home. – Band attending as normal
Camp Day | Saturday 9/10 | 9am-9pm | Freshman Campus
Look for details to be sent from Directors through Charms later in the week.
Just a reminder: Upbeat Club does not provide water stations. Have your student(s) bring enough for the whole day or feel free to bring them extra during lunch/dinner.
Spirit Wear 
The Spiritwear store will open on Sunday 9/4 for one last time to purchase proud parent shirts and trip shirts! Everything else will still be available. – Link to store HERE
The store will close on 9/11 at 8pm. This round of orders will be delivered BEFORE the St. Louis trip.
Our last round of orders will be in very soon, hoping next week. Stay tuned for pickup details!
St. Louis & Indianapolis Trips 
Keep an eye on THIS LINK for updates on the trips the Marching Band will be taking in October and November, it will be updated as additional information becomes available.
All registrations and first payments were due last week, the next payment will be due September 15.
Calendar Winners 
We have started the daily drawings for our calendar raffle winners. Follow along on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter to see the daily announcement of winners, weekly winners will also be shared every Friday in email updates.
Congratulations to our first 2 days of winners:
- September 1 ($750): Louise Morman from Oxford, OH sold by band member Madeline Kirkmeyer (also the winner of $100)
- September 2 ($100): Melissa Reasor from Wildwood, GA sold by band member Olivia Negrete
Marching Band Uniforms
The new show uniforms are in and are being hemmed to fit students properly. These uniforms, by design, are much more form fitting than ones they have had in the past. Because of that, the clothing worn underneath must be form fitting as well, compression type material is suggested and requested.
The loose-fitting shorts & t-shirts that they wear with game uniforms will not work for show uniforms.
If you have any questions, please reach out to uniforms@lakotawestbands.org.
Volunteer Needs 
2022 Symphonic Winds Uniform Fittings – Tuesday, September 20; 6-8:30pm at Main Campus band room.
2022 Symphonic Winds Uniform Alterations – Pickup on September 20 (after fittings) and return no later than October 10. If you can sew buttons we can use your help, the skill needed is minimal and can all be done by hand.
Bus Chaperones for Competitions – Ensure all students are safe and orderly on the bus trips to and from competitions. There will be 12 chaperones on 6 buses.
Band Concerts
Concert dates have been updated on the calendar. The first jazz concert will be on October 4 and a combined concert for Freshman, Concert, Symphonic Bands & Symphonic Winds will be on October 18.
Please see THIS LINK for concert attire for all bands. Please direct questions to concertuniforms@lakotawestbands.org.
Have a great week!!