Congratulations to our Marching Firebirds on a successful MSBA Centerville Competition

An email was sent through Charms on Wednesday 11/2 with schedule details for the remainder of Marching season.
This Week:
Tonight – Football Game/Round 2 of Playoffs. If West wins tonight, next game will be 11/11 when Band is in Indianapolis.
Purchase tickets for tonight HERE. Tickets are not sold at door, no passes accepted. Game will only be audio livestreamed per OHSAA rules.
Tomorrow/Saturday – Camp Day | 9am-5pm | Main Campus Stadium (lunch break 12-1)
Monday 11/7 – Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus Stadium
Tuesday 11/8 – Indoor Rehearsal (NO SCHOOL) | 8am-5pm | Meet at West Main Stadium | Click link to see Calendar for full details
Wednesday 11/9 – Rehearsal in FULL uniform | 6pm | Sendoff Performance 8:30pm (gates open at 8) | Lakota EAST Stadium

Thursday 11/10 – Leave for Grand Nats
Meet in Main Campus Band Room at 8:30am
Refer to Trip page on website for additional details. – new links added for itinerary, packing list and FAQ’s. Student chaperone list will be sent via Charms, for safety reasons that information will not be available on the website.
Sunday 11/13 – Return from Indianapolis | approx. return to Main Campus 1pm | Remind messages will be sent with time arrival once we depart Indianapolis
Monday 11/14 – Marching Band Concert & Awards | 7pm | Main Campus Gym
“Sendoff Snack” Donations 

We are looking to surprise our students with a “Send off Snack” as they leave for Indianapolis. If you are interested in donating to our Send off Fund, please Venmo Jen Best (@Jennifer-Best-56). Feel free to donate any amount, here are some guidelines:
Sponsor 1 student – $5
Sponsor 1 room – $20
Sponsor 1 Chaperone Group – $50
Sponsor 1 Section – $100
Upbeat Club will be providing healthier snacks for them to eat while on-the-go, this will be an additional “fun” treat to wish them well from our parents.
Marching Band Concert & Awards | November 14

Mattress Sale | November 19

Volunteer Needs 
Parka and Guard/Show Uniform Washing –
What happens after all of those amazing performances throughout the season? The uniforms and parkas all need to be washed! Sign up here to take one bag (or more!) of parkas, uniform pants or guard uniforms home to wash. Specific washing and drying instructions will be included along with detergent. Pick up your bag(s) Monday November 14, after the marching band concert and return by Monday November 28th. Thank you for your help! SIGN UP HERE.
Mattress Sale
Help us spread the word about our Mattress Sale by placing a sign in your yard. Signs will be available for pickup on Monday evening before & after band practice at the Main stadium gates.
See all of our photos on the bands Flickr site including those taken during Band-O-Ween, senior night, competitions, trips, practices & more. Thank you to our Photography Crew who never stop taking those photos for us to enjoy!!!
We are wishing our Marchers, our Chaperones, our Directors and our Spectators a SAFE trip to Indy! We hope our Marchers return feeling as proud of themselves as we all are of them already!! Please follow our social media pages for updates on the trip and important notices will be sent through Remind.
Thank you for your support!!!