Thank you to EVERYONE who helped in making St. Louis such an enjoyable trip!

See trip photos HERE.
This Week:
Refer to email sent through Charms on 10/18 with full details for the weekend regarding Football Game on Friday, Rehearsal on Saturday and Senior Night on Saturday Night.
Monday 10/24 rehearsal is moved to Freshman School.
Tuesday 10/25 | Taste for Music | Chick-fil-A (VOA) | 5-7:30pm

Wednesday10/26 | Indianapolis trip medication drop off | 4:30-6:30pm | Freshman band room – See email sent through Charms on 10/19 for full details.
Friday 10/28 | Football Playoff Game – an email through Charms was sent this morning (10/21) with information & details.
Saturday 10/29 | Practice and MSBA Centerville Competition (details also included in 10/21 Charms email
12-4 Rehearsal (Main Campus)
4:30-6 Eat Pack Load
6pm Leave West
8:45 Perform
10:40 Return to West (Remind message will be sent with more precise time for arrival at West when we depart Centerville)
Mark Your Calendars:
Grand Nationals Send off Performance | Wednesday 11/9 | 8pm | Lakota EAST Stadium
Marching Band Concert & Awards | Monday 11/14
Mattress Sale | Saturday 11/19
Swing Dance | Friday 12/9
Taste for Music | Chipotle | 1/11
Band Concerts
Congratulations to our Freshman Bands, Main Campus Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Symphonic Winds on their incredible performances on Tuesday evening. You can see the full replay HERE and THANK YOU to our Tech Team for making this livestream and recording possible.
You can catch the Holiday concerts on December 12 (Main Campus bands) and December 13 (Freshman bands).
Livestream of Senior Night
THANK YOU again to our Tech Team! They are planning to Livestream the Senior Night festivities which include performing pregame, performing stand tunes & recognizing our class of 2023. Due to copyright, we will not be able to livestream the performance of our competition show.
You may find the link HERE to watch beginning at 8pm on Saturday 10/22.
Grand Nats Indianapolis Trip
Refer to THIS LINK for all of the information you need. It is being updated as new information becomes available. A lot of details are still in the works.
“Send off Snack” Donations 
We are looking to surprise our students with a “Send off Snack” as they leave for Indianapolis. If you are interested in donating to our Send off Fund, please Venmo Jen Best (@Jennifer-Best-56). Feel free to donate any amount acceptable to your family, here are some guidelines:

Sponsor 1 student – $5
Sponsor 1 room – $20
Sponsor 1 Chaperone Group – $50
Sponsor 1 Section – $100
Upbeat Club will be providing healthier snacks for them to eat while on-the-go, this will be an additional “fun” treat to wish them well from our parents.
Volunteer Needs 
We are looking for people to join committees for Swing Dance (12/9), Jazz ‘n Cakes (4/1) and Sponsorship sales.
We are also looking for someone to take over the leadership role for Concert Uniforms. Joining this position now would give the opportunity to shadow and work with our current lead.
If you are interested or would like more information, please email president@lakotawestbands.org or LWUpbeat@gmail.com.
We will have ‘day of’ volunteer needs for Mattress Sale, Swing Dance and Jazz ‘n Cakes – be on the lookout for Signup Geniuses as the events near.
Corporate Sponsorships 
If you, anybody you know or anybody you talk to, is interested in sponsoring our band – you can find all the information HERE.
All questions can be sent to sponsorship@lakotawestbands.org or LWUpbeat@gmail.com.
Upbeat Club Meeting
We hosted our October meeting last night. Once available, you will be able to find the meeting notes on THIS PAGE. Please plan on joining us at our next meeting on November 17 in the Main Campus Band Room.