Dear Band Members and Parents,
It is with a great deal of excitement that we welcome you to Lakota Ridge Junior School. The new school year will entail continued individual progress by each of the band members, further group advancements, and several wonderful concerts to demonstrate these musical accomplishments. We look forward to watching the Lakota Ridge Junior School Bands as the students unlock their full potential!
As music educators, our mission is to assist students in learning musical objectives, to raise students’ self-esteem, and to teach students the desire to be the best they can be, not only in band, but in all aspects of their lives. All students are equally important to the success of the band, and through teamwork, they can accomplish great things.
This school year will find a large number of Lakota Ridge Junior School students participating in the Ridge Band Program. Students in 8th grade band will meet daily in one of two class periods each day. Students in seventh grade band will meet in one of four class periods each day. A number of these students will also participate in jazz band after school. (8th grade jazz band for the first semester and a mixed grade jazz band for the second semester.)
To accommodate the large number of students participating in the band program, it will be necessary to hold our seventh grade concerts and eighth grade concerts at separate times. All seventh grade band members will perform in one group during these concerts as will all eighth grade band members. The eighth grade jazz band will play for first semester concerts and mixed grade jazz band for second semester. Specific report times and concert times for each of these groups are noted on Ridge’s Calendar of Events.
Seventh grade band members please note: We will begin the year in the Tradition of Excellence Book 1 (red book). Please bring this book to school as soon as possible. Eighth grade band members please note: We will begin the year reviewing in the Tradition of Excellence Book 2. These books are available at local music stores.
Please feel free to contact us at any time during the school year with any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for all of your support during the upcoming school year and best wishes for a very successful and rewarding year!
Sherri Voytek
Director of Bands
Lakota Ridge Junior School
E-Mail: Sherri.Voytek@lakotaonline.com