The Upbeat Club raises significant funds and provide hundreds of hours of support, which enables the excellence we see on the stage and on the field. The funds for the new marching and concert uniforms, as well as our new tractor trailer, were all raised by band parents and students. Please join us in supporting our fantastic band program!
Monthly Meetings
Our meetings are the third Thursday of every month except June, July and December. They are held at the main campus in the band or chorus room, enter through band room. Meetings start at 6:30pm, and the Exec Board is also available at 6pm for any questions. We welcome all parents of band students and color guard members in grades 7 – 12, as well as alumni.
Looking for ways to get involved?
Please go to our Parent Volunteer Opportunities Page.
Check out the Contacts List to see who to contact for any Upbeat Club topic.
Meeting Minutes, Financial Reports and Balance Sheets:
Click HERE to access previous years’ meeting agendas, minutes, etc.
August Meeting: 8/15/24, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
September Meeting: 9/19/24, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
October Meeting: 10/10/24, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
November Meeting: 11/21/24, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
No December Meeting
January Meeting: 1/16/25, 6:30 @ Main Campus Band Room
February Meeting: 2/20/25, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
March Meeting: 3/20/25, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
April Meeting: 4/10/25, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
- Agenda
- Balance Sheet
- Financial Report
- Previous Meeting Minutes
May Meeting: 5/15/25, 6:30@Main Campus Band Room
- Agenda
- Balance Sheet
- Financial Report
- Previous Meeting Minutes
No June/July Meetings
Upbeat Club Expense Reimbursement
Reimbursement requests for expenses incurred on behalf of the Lakota West Upbeat Club must have prior approval from the Lakota West Upbeat Club Executive Board and must include a copy of appropriate receipts. Expenses incurred without prior approval will NOT be reimbursed. Please allow two weeks for the reimbursement check to arrive. To download a copy of the Check Request/Expense Reimbursement Form, CLICK HERE.