Happy New Year to all of our Band Families!
January Upbeat Club Meeting
THURSDAY | 1/12 | 6:30pm | West Main Campus Band Room
January agenda can be found HERE when available.

February meeting – February 16 | 6:30pm | West Main Campus Band Room
Taste of Music
Chipotle | Wednesday January 11 | 4-8pm | Union Centre Blvd location

Symphonic Winds Concert with Kings High School | 7pm | West Main Campus Theater
Symphonic Winds will be performing weekly on the “Road to the OMEA Conference.” You can see upcoming performance dates on our Calendar.
This week we want to highlight the SUPPORT page of our website.
On this page, you can find information for volunteering your time, donating funds and information on corporate sponsorships.
This is also where you can find information regarding past and upcoming Upbeat Club meetings, how to get involved with the Upbeat Club and a list of contact information for members of the Upbeat Club.
You can also find out how to get funds donated to our bands just by shopping at Kroger and Amazon.
With the start of the new year, this is a GREAT time to seek out new corporate sponsorships. Anybody can sell & purchase a corporate sponsorship. Please see this graphic for details and feel free to share with any of those business owners or managers you may know or interact with.

Send any leads or inquiries to sponsorships@lakotawestbands.org for follow-up and more information.
Don’t Forget:
All students will be participating in the Solo & Ensemble Contest on February 11 and some of them may need an accompanist which is the responsibility of the student to secure. You may find information HERE at the bottom of the page.

We are sending good luck to all of our students participating in Honor Jazz Band this weekend.